New 'Dream' Amnesty Would be Biggest Amnesty Ever

Updated: April 1st, 2019, 9:05 am


  by  Chris Chmielenski

More than 200 Democrats have cosponsored the new 'Dream' amnesty that was introduced earlier this week. The American Dream and Promise Act, H.R. 6, would grant amnesty to as many as 3.5 million illegal aliens who entered the country before their 18th birthday AND to 429,000 (mostly illegal-alien) individuals who have received relief from deportation.

The American Dream and Promise Act, if passed, could become the largest amnesty in our nation's history!

With 210 House Democrats already on board, it'll be tough to stop H.R. 6 from passing in the House. But 26 Democrats sided with Republicans two weeks ago on an amendment to the Dem's gun bill that would require ICE to be notified anytime an illegal alien attempts to purchase a firearm. If all House Republicans were to oppose H.R. 6, only 18 of those 26 Democrats would have to join them to defeat the bill.

The bigger battle could come in the the Senate where a number of Republican Senators, including Cory Gardner of Colorado, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina (who are all up for re-election in 2020), have been supportive in the past of massive, no-strings amnesties.


Past versions of the DREAM Act have granted amnesty to a few million illegal aliens, but H.R. 6 adds another population of illegal aliens to the mix. Most foreign citizens who have benefited from Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure can also receive the amnesty.

Dream Amnesty

  • Would provide conditional legal status and work permits for 10 years to most illegal aliens 18 or over who claim to have entered the country before reaching the age of 18 and claim to have been continuously present during the four years immediately prior to enactment.
  • To receive the amnesty, illegal aliens must have been accepted to a U.S. institution of higher learning, obtained a high school diploma (or its equivalent), or be pursuing a high school diploma (or its equivalent).
  • Illegal aliens must also be free of a felony conviction or have no more than 3 misdemeanor convictions committed on separate days where the aggregate jail time was 90 days or longer.
  • Once granted amnesty, illegal aliens can receive a green card and a lifetime work permit after: 1) receiving a degree from a U.S. institution of higher learning, 2) completing 2 years of schooling in pursuit of a 4-year degree, 3) serving in the military for 2 years, or 4) working for 3 years for at least 75% of the time after receiving a work permit.
  • Illegal aliens under the age of 18 who have been continuously present for the 4 years immediately prior to enactment will become eligible once they reach the age of 18 and meet the educational requirement.
  • According to the Migration Policy Institute, there are 2.3 million illegal aliens who currently meet the age, residency, and education requirements, but at least 3.3 million illegal aliens could be eligible based on a 2017 MPI report.

TPS/DED Amnesty

  • Any alien (most of whom were in the country illegally) who has been continuously present for the 3 years immediately prior to enactment and has received either Temporary Protected Status or Deferred Enforced Departure receives amnesty, including Legal Permanent Residency status and a lifetime work permit.
  • Temporary Protected Status is given to foreign citizens in the United States who are unable to return home for a temporary period of time because of a political uprising or natural disaster in their home countries. Deferred Enforced Departure is similar to TPS, but is used by the president for matters of foreign relations. Citizens from 12 countries currently have been granted TPS or DED are eligible.
  • The Migration Policy Institute estimates that approximately 429,000 aliens (mostly illegal) will receive the amnesty under this provision.

The 'Dream' amnesty in H.R. 6 is a rolling amnesty. There is no end date, and there's no upper-age limit. This amnesty will not be a one-time deal. Instead, illegal aliens who meet the age and residency requirements would continue to receive amnesty, and there's always the possibility that a future Congress and Administration could expand the pool.

CHRIS CHMIELENSKI is the Deputy Director for NumbersUSA
