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Correct Action Text:
Voted against the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment to S. 744, the Gang of Eight's comprehensive amnesty legislation. This amendment was a political ploy by pro-amnesty Senators to pass a bill (S. 744) that was otherwise headed for defeat. As such, a vote in favor of the amendment is graded here as a vote in favor of the full S. 744 amnesty. The Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment promised a so-called "border surge" after 11-18 million illegal aliens receive legal protected status, work permits, and de facto amnesty. In fact, however, the amendment would weaken current law (calling for entry-exit system at only airports and seaports as opposed to all ports of entry and calling for single layer border fencing as opposed to double-layer fencing) and weaken the already-loose enforcement provisions of S. 744 by setting up a rolling amnesty for future visa overstayers. The amendment was designed to give cover to Senators who could claim they supported strong border security amendments by voting for the amendment and then voting for final passage of the bill. The amendment passed 67-27.
Incorrect Action Text:
Voted in favor of the Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment to S. 744, the Gang of Eight's comprehensive amnesty legislation. This amendment was a political ploy by pro-amnesty Senators to pass a bill (S. 744) that was otherwise headed for defeat. As such, a vote in favor of the amendment is graded here as a vote in favor of the full S. 744 amnesty. The Schumer-Corker-Hoeven amendment promised a so-called "border surge" after 11-18 million illegal aliens receive legal protected status, work permits, and de facto amnesty. In fact, however, the amendment would weaken current law (calling for entry-exit system at only airports and seaports as opposed to all ports of entry and calling for single layer border fencing as opposed to double-layer fencing) and weaken the already-loose enforcement provisions of S. 744 by setting up a rolling amnesty for future visa overstayers. The amendment was designed to give cover to Senators who could claim they supported strong border security amendments by voting for the amendment and then voting for final passage of the bill. The amendment passed 67-27.
Correct Points Earned:
1 100
Correct Points Possible:
1 100
Incorrect Points Earned:
Incorrect Points Possible:
1 100
NumbersUSA's Position: