Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007

Updated: March 4th, 2014, 1:13 pm

Published Date:  

2007-01-04 05:00

Public Description:  

The bill would provide a sense of Congress that “comprehensive” immigration legislation (i.e., containing amnesties for illegal aliens, “guestworker” programs, etc.) should be enacted. (NumbersUSA believes that this is a “shell” bill, which, at some point, will be amended to include language very similar to that which the Senate passed in 2006 [S. 2611 {which, among other things, would have: (1) authorized DHS to grant voluntary departure, in lieu of formal removal, to all aliens except aggravated felons and national security threats, thereby further exposing the fallacy of the “end of ‘catch and release’”; (2) limited the ability of the 600,000 state and local law enforcement personnel to serve as a force multiplier for the roughly 2,000 ICE special agents responsible for all interior enforcement by restricting the former to “assisting in the enforcement of the criminal provisions of the immigration laws”; and (3) required employers only to verify the employment eligibility of new hires (provided that $40 million was appropriated to implement the verification system), which means that all illegal aliens, including those few who would not qualify for one of S. 2611’s amnesties, who are currently employed would have been grandfathered in, as long as they kept their current job}].)

A bill to recognize the heritage of the United States as a nation of immigrants and to amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for more effective border and employment enforcement, to prevent illegal immigration, and to reform and rationalize avenues for legal immigration, and for other purposes.

NumbersUSA's Position:  


Bill Number:  

S. 9



Grade Categories:  

Reduce Amnesty Enticements