New Employee Verification Act of 2009

Updated: February 18th, 2014, 10:16 am

Published Date:  

2009-04-22 04:00

Public Description:  

The bill would extend the E-Verify program for 5 years, phase it out over 3 years, and replace it with a “new” and mandatory system called the Electronic Employment Verification System (EEVS) to verify the status of all (and only) new employees. EEVS would allow employers to access and add information to the Federal National Directory of New Hires, an untested database currently designed to locate individuals, not determine legal status. In addition, this legislation would give employers an option to participate in an alternate program called the Secure Electronic Employment Verification System (SEEVS). SEEVS would collect and use a worker’s biometric data to confirm identification. Furthermore, the New Employee Verification Act would:
Mandate an EEVS or SEEVS response within 3 days of inquiry and require a disapproved employee be dismissed within 3 business days
Eliminate the E-Verify Electronic Employment Verification Program
Limit employment verification to new hires
Invalidate existing state and local policies requiring employment verification
Prohibit states and localities from enacting policies that would deter the employment of illegal aliens
Prevent illegal aliens issued a Social Security card, after the bill’s enactment, from collecting benefits based on work history in the United States if a Social Security Totalization agreement is authorized with their home country
Reinforce current law that allows Social Security Totalization Agreements to automatically take effect unless Congress votes against it within 60 days
Suspend Social Security benefits for individuals who have been removed from the United States

To amend the Social Security Act to prevent unauthorized earnings from being credited toward benefits under title II of such Act and to make improvements in provisions governing totalization agreements, to amend the Social Security Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act to prevent unauthorized employment, and to improve coordination of the provisions of such Acts, and for other purposes.

NumbersUSA's Position:  

No Position

Bill Number:  

H.R. 2028

