2002: 245(i) House Approps Comm vote HR 4775

Voted in committee against the Section 245(i) amnesty in 2002
Rep. ZZlastnameZZ voted as part of the House Appropriations Committee against the Farr Amendment to H.R. 4775, a supplemental appropriations bill. The Farr Amendment would have re-instated the Section 245(i) amnesty for four months. Section 245(i) grants an amnesty from the usual penalties for having broken immigration laws, which illegal aliens admit to doing in order to apply for Section 245(i). And current INS policy allows all illegal aliens who apply under Section 245(i) to remain in the U.S. during the years before a green card will actually become available. In addition, Section 245(i) removes the all-important security step of our embassies conducting background checks on potential immigrants in their home countries. Rep. ZZlastnameZZ's vote was a vote against accelerating the congestion and sprawl of American life by enticing millions more illegal aliens to move here. The Farr Amendment failed by a vote of 27-32.

Action Type: 
Tuesday, May 14, 2002 (All day)