2004: Full Approps Comm vote on Pastor amdt to strip Culberson secure ID amdt

Voted in committee to protect secure-ID amendment in 2004
Rep. ZZlastnameZZ voted AGAINST the Pastor Amendment to strip the Culberson Amendment from the Treasury/Transportation Appropriations bill. The Culberson Amendment, introduced by Rep. John Culberson (R-TX), would essentially have prohibited the use of Mexican matricula consular ID cards for banking services in the U.S. It prohibited the Treasury Department from using any of the funding in the bill to "publish, disseminate, authorize or enforce regulations that permit or allow financial institutions" to accept Mexican matricula consular ID cards. The amendment was intended to send a clear message to the Treasury Department and to financial institutions that consular ID cards like the Mexican matricula consular are neither secure nor acceptable forms of ID. While the Culberson Amendment did not actually require Treasury to change the current regulations which permit financial institutions to accept matricula consular ID cards (rules governing ame

Action Type: 
Thursday, July 22, 2004 (All day)
Rep. Ed Pastor [D-AZ07]