2005: H Judiciary comm vote on HR4337, Sensenbrenner enforcement

Voted in committee in favor of bill to increase border security and interior enforcement in 2005
Rep. ZZlastnameZZ voted as part of the Judiciary Committee in favor of H.R. 4437, the Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act of 2005. H.R. 4437 would mandate that every employer in America use what is now called the Basic Pilot Program to assure that new hires are legally allowed to work. This is probably the single most powerful measure that would reduce the illegal population in this country. The bill would strengthen border enforcement through increased personnel and infrastructure, encourage involvement of state and local law enforcement agencies in – and provide appropriate reimbursement to those agencies for – immigration enforcement, and authorize coordinated border surveillance efforts between DHS and DOD. H.R. 4437 was passed by the Judiciary Committee by a vote of 23 to 15.

Action Type: 
Thursday, December 8, 2005 (All day)