2005: S. Judic Comm vote on Hatch substitute amdt to raise immigration fees by 5 percent

Voted in committee in favor of amendment to increase immigration fees in 2005
Sen. ZZlastnameZZ voted in favor of the Hatch Amendment to the Specter Budget Reconciliation Plan that was attached to the Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005, S. 1932. The Specter plan (as amendment and passed by the Senate Judiciary Committee) would increase permanent, employment-based immigration by nearly tripling the number of foreign workers who can enter the U.S. each year. As well, it exempts workersÂ’ families from the 140,000-visa cap on employment-based immigration. It also raises the cap on employment-based permanent immigration by adding each year the lesser of 90,000 visas or any \"unused\" employment-based visas from any prior year. Altogether, these provisions could generate a net increase in permanent immigration of 366,000 aliens, or about one-third of current, annual legal immigration. The Hatch Amendment

Action Type: 
Thursday, October 27, 2005 (All day)
Sen. Jeff Sessions [R-AL]