On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 8 to H R 2892

Supported an amendment to require DHS contractors to use E-Verify in 2009.
Rep. ZZlastnameZZ supported the King amendment (253) to H.R. 2892, the DHS appropriations bill. The amendment requires all DHS contractors and subcontractors to use the E-Verify system to verify the employment eligibility of their employees. The King Amendment would have essentially implemented an Executive Order signed by President George W. Bush requiring all federal contractors to use E-Verify but the EO has been continually postponed by President Obama. Use of E-Verify is one of the most effective tools of Attrition Through Enforcement and keeping illegal aliens out of U.S. jobs. The amendment passed 349-84 on 24 June 2009 (9:24 pm).

Action Type: 
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 (All day)


  • [894] Senator Wayne Allard - 1996-03-21
  • [317] Former Governor Sam Brownback - 1996-03-21
  • [330] Senator Jim Bunning - 1996-03-21
  • [221] Senator Saxby Chambliss - 1996-03-21
  • [251] Senator Mike Crapo - 1996-03-21
  • [255] Senator Dick Durbin - 1996-03-21
  • [732] Senator Lindsey Graham - 1996-03-21
  • [22] Senator Blanche Lincoln - 1996-03-21
  • [319] Senator Pat Roberts - 1996-03-21
  • [20] Senator Tim Hutchinson - 1996-03-21
  • [233] Former Governor Neil Abercrombie - 1996-03-21
  • [354] Representative Richard Baker - 1996-03-21
  • [914] Representative Cass Ballenger - 1996-03-21
  • [388] Representative Roscoe Bartlett - 1996-03-21
  • [773] Representative Joe Barton - 1996-03-21
  • [633] Representative John Boehner - 1996-03-21
  • [833] Representative Rick Boucher - 1996-03-21
  • [492] Senator Richard Burr - 1996-03-21
  • [307] Representative Dan Burton - 1996-03-21
  • [305] Representative Steve Buyer - 1996-03-21
  • [407] Representative Dave Camp - 1996-03-21
  • [494] Representative Howard Coble - 1996-03-21
  • [212] Representative Mac Collins - 1996-03-21
  • [796] Representative Larry Combest - 1996-03-21
  • [273] Representative Philip Crane - 1996-03-21
  • [891] Representative Barbara Cubin - 1996-03-21
  • [223] Former Governor Nathan Deal - 1996-03-21
  • [57] Representative John Doolittle - 1996-03-21
  • [96] Representative David Dreier - 1996-03-21
  • [194] Representative Mark Foley - 1996-03-21
  • [380] Representative Wayne Gilchrest - 1996-03-21
  • [827] Representative Bob Goodlatte - 1996-03-21
  • [190] Representative Porter Goss - 1996-03-21
  • [433] Representative Gil Gutknecht - 1996-03-21
  • [770] Representative Ralph Hall - 1996-03-21
  • [283] Representative Dennis Hastert - 1996-03-21
  • [851] Representative Richard Hastings - 1996-03-21
  • [44] Representative J.D. Hayworth - 1996-03-21
  • [145] Representative Joel Hefley - 1996-03-21
  • [54] Representative Wally Herger - 1996-03-21
  • [933] Representative Pete Hoekstra - 1996-03-21
  • [310] Representative John Hostettler - 1996-03-21
  • [133] Representative Duncan Hunter - 1996-03-21
  • [269] Representative Henry Hyde - 1996-03-21
  • [488] Representative Walter Jones - 1996-03-21
  • [634] Representative Marcy Kaptur - 1996-03-21
  • [597] Representative Sue Kelly - 1996-03-21
  • [419] Representative Joe Knollenberg - 1996-03-21
  • [43] Representative Jim Kolbe - 1996-03-21
  • [289] Representative Ray LaHood - 1996-03-21
  • [246] Representative Tom Latham - 1996-03-21
  • [115] Representative Jerry Lewis - 1996-03-21
  • [334] Representative Ron Lewis - 1996-03-21
  • [228] Representative John Linder - 1996-03-21
  • [664] Representative Frank Lucas - 1996-03-21
  • [351] Representative Jim McCrery - 1996-03-21
  • [142] Representative Scott McInnis - 1996-03-21
  • [91] Representative Howard McKeon - 1996-03-21
  • [179] Representative John Mica - 1996-03-21
  • [499] Representative Sue Myrick - 1996-03-21
  • [852] Representative George Nethercutt - 1996-03-21
  • [225] Representative Charlie Norwood - 1996-03-21
  • [238] Representative Jim Nussle - 1996-03-21
  • [806] Representative Solomon Ortiz - 1996-03-21
  • [626] Representative Michael Oxley - 1996-03-21
  • [67] Representative Richard Pombo - 1996-03-21
  • [10713] Senator Rob Portman - 1996-03-21
  • [339] Representative Hal Rogers - 1996-03-21
  • [261] Representative Bobby Rush - 1996-03-21
  • [42] Representative John Shadegg - 1996-03-21
  • [699] Representative Bud Shuster - 1996-03-21
  • [799] Representative Lamar Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [412] Representative Nick Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [303] Representative Mark Souder - 1996-03-21
  • [793] Representative Charles Stenholm - 1996-03-21
  • [758] Representative John Tanner - 1996-03-21
  • [350] Representative W.J. Tauzin - 1996-03-21
  • [501] Representative Charles Taylor - 1996-03-21
  • [785] Representative Mac Thornberry - 1996-03-21
  • [410] Representative Fred Upton - 1996-03-21
  • [750] Representative Zach Wamp - 1996-03-21
  • [192] Representative Dave Weldon - 1996-03-21
  • [467] Senator Roger Wicker - 1996-03-21
  • [3] Representative Don Young - 1996-03-21
  • [41] Representative Bob Stump - 1996-03-21
  • [112] Representative Steve Horn - 1996-03-21
  • [189] Representative Dan Miller - 1996-03-21
  • [219] Representative Bob Barr - 1996-03-21
  • [552] Representative Joe Skeen - 1996-03-21
  • [625] Representative Tony Hall - 1996-03-21
  • [714] Representative George Gekas - 1996-03-21
  • [752] Representative Van Hilleary - 1996-03-21
  • [754] Representative Bob Clement - 1996-03-21
  • [757] Representative Ed Bryant - 1996-03-21
  • [915] Representative Dick Armey - 1996-03-21
  • [813] Representative James Hansen - 1996-03-21
  • [234] Representative Patsy Mink - 1996-03-21
  • [774] Representative Bill Archer - 1996-03-21
  • [516] Representative Bill Barrett - 1996-03-21
  • [129] Representative Brian Bilbray - 1996-03-21
  • [830] Representative Tom Bliley - 1996-03-21
  • [73] Representative Tom Campbell - 1996-03-21
  • [187] Representative Charles Canady - 1996-03-21
  • [657] Senator Tom Coburn - 1996-03-21
  • [31] Representative Jay Dickey - 1996-03-21
  • [284] Representative Thomas Ewing - 1996-03-21
  • [175] Representative Tillie Fowler - 1996-03-21
  • [656] Representative Steve Largent - 1996-03-21
  • [180] Representative Bill McCollum - 1996-03-21
  • [299] Representative David McIntosh - 1996-03-21
  • [128] Representative Ron Packard - 1996-03-21
  • [822] Representative Owen Pickett - 1996-03-21
  • [36] Representative Matt Salmon - 1996-03-21
  • [730] Representative Mark Sanford - 1996-03-21
  • [1051] Representative Bob Inglis - 1996-03-21
  • [64] Representative Bill Baker - 1996-03-21
  • [13] Representative Tom Bevill - 1996-03-21
  • [1044] Representative Bill Brewster - 1996-03-21
  • [513] Representative Jon Christensen - 1996-03-21
  • [967] Representative Dick Chrysler - 1996-03-21
  • [1030] Representative Bill Clinger - 1996-03-21
  • [628] Representative Frank Cremeans - 1996-03-21
  • [789] Representative Kika de la Garza - 1996-03-21
  • [125] Representative Robert Dornan - 1996-03-21
  • [281] Representative Harris Fawell - 1996-03-21
  • [775] Representative Jack Fields - 1996-03-21
  • [1043] Representative David Funderburk - 1996-03-21
  • [784] Representative Pete Geren - 1996-03-21
  • [870] Representative Steve Gunderson - 1996-03-21
  • [459] Representative Mel Hancock - 1996-03-21
  • [356] Representative Jimmy Hayes - 1996-03-21
  • [635] Representative Martin Hoke - 1996-03-21
  • [116] Representative Jay Kim - 1996-03-21
  • [867] Representative Scott Klug - 1996-03-21
  • [788] Representative Greg Laughlin - 1996-03-21
  • [347] Representative Robert Livingston - 1996-03-21
  • [85] Representative Carlos Moorhead - 1996-03-21
  • [309] Representative John Myers - 1996-03-21
  • [473] Representative Mike Parker - 1996-03-21
  • [825] Representative Lewis Payne - 1996-03-21
  • [747] Representative James Quillen - 1996-03-21
  • [50] Representative Frank Riggs - 1996-03-21
  • [147] Representative Dan Schaefer - 1996-03-21
  • [551] Representative Steven Schiff - 1996-03-21
  • [1032] Representative Andrea Seastrand - 1996-03-21
  • [602] Representative Gerald Solomon - 1996-03-21
  • [1046] Representative Steve Stockman - 1996-03-21
  • [1047] Representative Frank Tejeda - 1996-03-21
  • [369] Representative Peter Torkildsen - 1996-03-21
  • [562] Representative Barbara Vucanovich - 1996-03-21
  • [712] Representative Robert Walker - 1996-03-21
  • [842] Representative Rick White - 1996-03-21
  • [1039] Representative Bill Zeliff - 1996-03-21


  • [558] Senator John Ensign - 1996-03-21
  • [722] Senator Jack Reed - 1996-03-21
  • [565] Senator Charles Schumer - 1996-03-21
  • [451] Senator James Talent - 1996-03-21
  • [526] Senator Robert Torricelli - 1996-03-21
  • [575] Representative Gary Ackerman - 1996-03-21
  • [527] Former Representative Robert Andrews - 1996-03-21
  • [16] Representative Spencer Bachus - 1996-03-21
  • [10385] Representative Charles Bass - 1996-03-21
  • [99] Representative Xavier Becerra - 1996-03-21
  • [511] Representative Doug Bereuter - 1996-03-21
  • [93] Representative Howard Berman - 1996-03-21
  • [181] Representative Michael Bilirakis - 1996-03-21
  • [211] Representative Sanford Bishop - 1996-03-21
  • [603] Representative Sherwood Boehlert - 1996-03-21
  • [801] Representative Henry Bonilla - 1996-03-21
  • [174] Representative Corrine Brown - 1996-03-21
  • [642] Senator Sherrod Brown - 1996-03-21
  • [120] Representative Ken Calvert - 1996-03-21
  • [384] Senator Benjamin Cardin - 1996-03-21
  • [164] Representative Michael Castle - 1996-03-21
  • [10714] Representative Steve Chabot - 1996-03-21
  • [738] Representative James Clyburn - 1996-03-21
  • [425] Representative John Conyers - 1996-03-21
  • [280] Representative Jerry Costello - 1996-03-21
  • [127] Representative Christopher Cox - 1996-03-21
  • [15] Representative Robert Cramer - 1996-03-21
  • [132] Representative Randy Cunningham - 1996-03-21
  • [926] Representative Thomas Davis - 1996-03-21
  • [677] Representative Peter DeFazio - 1996-03-21
  • [154] Representative Rosa DeLauro - 1996-03-21
  • [201] Representative Peter Deutsch - 1996-03-21
  • [202] Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart - 1996-03-21
  • [854] Representative Norm Dicks - 1996-03-21
  • [428] Representative John Dingell - 1996-03-21
  • [780] Representative Lloyd Doggett - 1996-03-21
  • [82] Representative Cal Dooley - 1996-03-21
  • [715] Representative Mike Doyle - 1996-03-21
  • [749] Representative John Duncan - 1996-03-21
  • [856] Representative Jennifer Dunn - 1996-03-21
  • [782] Representative Chet Edwards - 1996-03-21
  • [405] Representative Vernon Ehlers - 1996-03-21
  • [595] Representative Eliot Engel - 1996-03-21
  • [719] Representative Phil English - 1996-03-21
  • [72] Representative Anna Eshoo - 1996-03-21
  • [288] Representative Lane Evans - 1996-03-21
  • [8] Representative Terry Everett - 1996-03-21
  • [77] Representative Sam Farr - 1996-03-21
  • [688] Representative Chaka Fattah - 1996-03-21
  • [131] Representative Bob Filner - 1996-03-21
  • [366] Representative Barney Frank - 1996-03-21
  • [542] Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen - 1996-03-21
  • [803] Representative Martin Frost - 1996-03-21
  • [88] Representative Elton Gallegly - 1996-03-21
  • [453] Representative Richard Gephardt - 1996-03-21
  • [627] Representative Paul Gillmor - 1996-03-21
  • [755] Representative Bart Gordon - 1996-03-21
  • [808] Representative Gene Green - 1996-03-21
  • [697] Representative James Greenwood - 1996-03-21
  • [267] Representative Luis Gutierrez - 1996-03-21
  • [109] Representative Jane Harman - 1996-03-21
  • [204] Representative Alcee Hastings - 1996-03-21
  • [607] Representative Maurice Hinchey - 1996-03-21
  • [631] Representative David Hobson - 1996-03-21
  • [695] Representative Tim Holden - 1996-03-21
  • [615] Representative Amo Houghton - 1996-03-21
  • [387] Representative Steny Hoyer - 1996-03-21
  • [662] Representative Ernest Istook - 1996-03-21
  • [263] Former Representative Jesse Jackson - 1996-03-21
  • [795] Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee - 1996-03-21
  • [349] Representative William Jefferson - 1996-03-21
  • [809] Representative Eddie Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [159] Representative Nancy Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [769] Representative Sam Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [702] Representative Paul Kanjorski - 1996-03-21
  • [724] Representative Patrick Kennedy - 1996-03-21
  • [416] Representative Dale Kildee - 1996-03-21
  • [569] Representative Peter King - 1996-03-21
  • [208] Representative Jack Kingston - 1996-03-21
  • [872] Representative Jerry Kleczka - 1996-03-21
  • [68] Representative Tom Lantos - 1996-03-21
  • [650] Representative Steven LaTourette - 1996-03-21
  • [237] Representative Jim Leach - 1996-03-21
  • [421] Representative Sander Levin - 1996-03-21
  • [216] Representative John Lewis - 1996-03-21
  • [265] Representative William Lipinski - 1996-03-21
  • [528] Representative Frank LoBiondo - 1996-03-21
  • [75] Representative Zoe Lofgren - 1996-03-21
  • [596] Representative Nita Lowey - 1996-03-21
  • [590] Representative Carolyn Maloney - 1996-03-21
  • [286] Representative Donald Manzullo - 1996-03-21
  • [372] Senator Edward Markey - 1996-03-21
  • [58] Representative Robert Matsui - 1996-03-21
  • [455] Representative Karen McCarthy - 1996-03-21
  • [855] Representative Jim McDermott - 1996-03-21
  • [604] Representative John McHugh - 1996-03-21
  • [600] Representative Michael McNulty - 1996-03-21
  • [368] Representative Martin Meehan - 1996-03-21
  • [547] Senator Bob Menendez - 1996-03-21
  • [60] Representative George Miller - 1996-03-21
  • [883] Representative Alan Mollohan - 1996-03-21
  • [832] Representative James Moran - 1996-03-21
  • [703] Representative John Murtha - 1996-03-21
  • [580] Representative Jerrold Nadler - 1996-03-21
  • [362] Representative Richard Neal - 1996-03-21
  • [648] Representative Bob Ney - 1996-03-21
  • [446] Representative James Oberstar - 1996-03-21
  • [876] Representative David Obey - 1996-03-21
  • [361] Representative John Olver - 1996-03-21
  • [584] Representative Major Owens - 1996-03-21
  • [534] Representative Frank Pallone - 1996-03-21
  • [40] Representative Ed Pastor - 1996-03-21
  • [541] Former Representative Donald Payne - 1996-03-21
  • [61] Representative Nancy Pelosi - 1996-03-21
  • [445] Representative Collin Peterson - 1996-03-21
  • [875] Representative Tom Petri - 1996-03-21
  • [507] Representative Earl Pomeroy - 1996-03-21
  • [644] Representative Deborah Pryce - 1996-03-21
  • [614] Representative Jack Quinn - 1996-03-21
  • [886] Representative Nick Rahall - 1996-03-21
  • [437] Representative Jim Ramstad - 1996-03-21
  • [592] Representative Charles Rangel - 1996-03-21
  • [646] Representative Ralph Regula - 1996-03-21
  • [124] Representative Dana Rohrabacher - 1996-03-21
  • [198] Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - 1996-03-21
  • [104] Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard - 1996-03-21
  • [113] Representative Ed Royce - 1996-03-21
  • [440] Representative Martin Sabo - 1996-03-21
  • [958] Senator Bernie Sanders - 1996-03-21
  • [530] Representative Jim Saxton - 1996-03-21
  • [823] Representative Bobby Scott - 1996-03-21
  • [880] Representative Jim Sensenbrenner - 1996-03-21
  • [593] Representative Jose Serrano - 1996-03-21
  • [203] Representative E. Clay Shaw - 1996-03-21
  • [155] Representative Christopher Shays - 1996-03-21
  • [454] Representative Ike Skelton - 1996-03-21
  • [611] Representative Louise Slaughter - 1996-03-21
  • [531] Representative Chris Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [736] Representative John Spratt - 1996-03-21
  • [178] Representative Cliff Stearns - 1996-03-21
  • [403] Representative Bart Stupak - 1996-03-21
  • [475] Representative Gene Taylor - 1996-03-21
  • [83] Representative Bill Thomas - 1996-03-21
  • [470] Representative Bennie Thompson - 1996-03-21
  • [326] Representative Todd Tiahrt - 1996-03-21
  • [583] Representative Edolphus Towns - 1996-03-21
  • [585] Representative Nydia Velazquez - 1996-03-21
  • [298] Representative Pete Visclosky - 1996-03-21
  • [605] Representative James Walsh - 1996-03-21
  • [503] Former Representative Melvin Watt - 1996-03-21
  • [98] Representative Henry Waxman - 1996-03-21
  • [696] Representative Curt Weldon - 1996-03-21
  • [278] Representative Jerry Weller - 1996-03-21
  • [331] Representative Edward Whitfield - 1996-03-21
  • [160] Representative Frank Wolf - 1996-03-21
  • [59] Representative Lynn Woolsey - 1996-03-21
  • [386] Representative Albert Wynn - 1996-03-21
  • [182] Representative C.W. Young - 1996-03-21
  • [7] Representative Sonny Callahan - 1996-03-21
  • [19] Representative Earl Hilliard - 1996-03-21
  • [79] Representative Gary Condit - 1996-03-21
  • [177] Representative Karen Thurman - 1996-03-21
  • [197] Representative Carrie Meek - 1996-03-21
  • [215] Representative Cynthia McKinney - 1996-03-21
  • [244] Representative Greg Ganske - 1996-03-21
  • [302] Representative Tim Roemer - 1996-03-21
  • [382] Representative Robert Ehrlich - 1996-03-21
  • [949] Representative Constance Morella - 1996-03-21
  • [399] Representative John Baldacci - 1996-03-21
  • [409] Representative James Barcia - 1996-03-21
  • [418] Representative David Bonior - 1996-03-21
  • [423] Representative Lynn Rivers - 1996-03-21
  • [443] Representative William Luther - 1996-03-21
  • [485] Representative Eva Clayton - 1996-03-21
  • [532] Representative Marge Roukema - 1996-03-21
  • [598] Representative Benjamin Gilman - 1996-03-21
  • [613] Representative John LaFalce - 1996-03-21
  • [643] Representative Tom Sawyer - 1996-03-21
  • [660] Representative J.C. Watts - 1996-03-21
  • [689] Representative Robert Borski - 1996-03-21
  • [708] Representative William Coyne - 1996-03-21
  • [718] Representative Frank Mascara - 1996-03-21
  • [805] Representative Ken Bentsen - 1996-03-21
  • [874] Representative Thomas Barrett - 1996-03-21
  • [1053] Representative Herbert Bateman - 1996-03-21
  • [118] Representative George Brown - 1996-03-21
  • [966] Representative Helen Chenoweth-Hage - 1996-03-21
  • [458] Representative Pat Danner - 1996-03-21
  • [103] Representative Julian Dixon - 1996-03-21
  • [968] Representative Michael Forbes - 1996-03-21
  • [535] Representative Bob Franks - 1996-03-21
  • [152] Representative Sam Gejdenson - 1996-03-21
  • [716] Representative Bill Goodling - 1996-03-21
  • [640] Representative John Kasich - 1996-03-21
  • [691] Representative Ron Klink - 1996-03-21
  • [567] Representative Rick Lazio - 1996-03-21
  • [101] Representative Matthew Martinez - 1996-03-21
  • [845] Representative Jack Metcalf - 1996-03-21
  • [436] Representative David Minge - 1996-03-21
  • [277] Representative John Porter - 1996-03-21
  • [168] Representative Joe Scarborough - 1996-03-21
  • [824] Representative Norman Sisisky - 1996-03-21
  • [647] Representative James Traficant - 1996-03-21
  • [439] Representative Bruce Vento - 1996-03-21
  • [884] Representative Bob Wise - 1996-03-21
  • [342] Representative Scotty Baesler - 1996-03-21
  • [363] Representative Peter Blute - 1996-03-21
  • [122] Representative Sonny Bono - 1996-03-21
  • [11] Representative Glen Browder - 1996-03-21
  • [772] Representative John Bryant - 1996-03-21
  • [764] Representative Jim Chapman - 1996-03-21
  • [791] Representative Ron Coleman - 1996-03-21
  • [1038] Representative Barbara Collins - 1996-03-21
  • [674] Representative Wes Cooley - 1996-03-21
  • [62] Representative Ronald Dellums - 1996-03-21
  • [462] Representative Bill Emerson - 1996-03-21
  • [56] Representative Vic Fazio - 1996-03-21
  • [1036] Representative Cleo Fields - 1996-03-21
  • [577] Representative Floyd Flake - 1996-03-21
  • [1034] Representative Michael Flanagan - 1996-03-21
  • [685] Representative Thomas Foglietta - 1996-03-21
  • [759] Representative Harold Ford - 1996-03-21
  • [705] Representative Jon Fox - 1996-03-21
  • [1033] Representative Gary Franks - 1996-03-21
  • [1042] Representative Dan Frisa - 1996-03-21
  • [672] Representative Elizabeth Furse - 1996-03-21
  • [184] Representative Sam Gibbons - 1996-03-21
  • [798] Representative Henry Gonzalez - 1996-03-21
  • [313] Representative Lee Hamilton - 1996-03-21
  • [498] Representative W.G. Hefner - 1996-03-21
  • [490] Representative Fred Heineman - 1996-03-21
  • [314] Representative Andrew Jacobs - 1996-03-21
  • [374] Representative Joseph Kennedy - 1996-03-21
  • [151] Representative Barbara Kennelly - 1996-03-21
  • [241] Representative Jim Lightfoot - 1996-03-21
  • [1037] Representative James Longley - 1996-03-21
  • [579] Representative Thomas Manton - 1996-03-21
  • [1040] Representative William Martini - 1996-03-21
  • [701] Representative Joseph McDade - 1996-03-21
  • [711] Representative Paul McHale - 1996-03-21
  • [324] Representative Jan Meyers - 1996-03-21
  • [586] Representative Susan Molinari - 1996-03-21
  • [472] Representative G.V. Montgomery - 1996-03-21
  • [864] Representative Mark Neumann - 1996-03-21
  • [819] Representative Bill Orton - 1996-03-21
  • [609] Representative Bill Paxon - 1996-03-21
  • [171] Representative Douglas Peterson - 1996-03-21
  • [293] Representative Glenn Poshard - 1996-03-21
  • [555] Representative Bill Richardson - 1996-03-21
  • [877] Representative Toby Roth - 1996-03-21
  • [138] Representative Patricia Schroeder - 1996-03-21
  • [141] Representative David Skaggs - 1996-03-21
  • [847] Representative Linda Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [1049] Representative Randy Tate - 1996-03-21
  • [1031] Representative Ray Thornton - 1996-03-21
  • [105] Representative Esteban Torres - 1996-03-21
  • [464] Representative Harold Volkmer - 1996-03-21
  • [1048] Representative Enid Waldholtz - 1996-03-21
  • [1035] Representative Michael Ward - 1996-03-21
  • [479] Representative Pat Williams - 1996-03-21
  • [275] Representative Sidney Yates - 1996-03-21
  • [1041] Representative Dick Zimmer - 1996-03-21


  • [741] Senator Tim Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [800] Representative Tom DeLay - 1996-03-21
  • [80] Representative George Radanovich - 1996-03-21
  • [70] Representative Pete Stark - 1996-03-21
  • [107] Representative Maxine Waters - 1996-03-21
  • [375] Joe Moakley - 1996-03-21
  • [731] Representative Floyd Spence - 1996-03-21
  • [89] Representative Tony Beilenson - 1996-03-21
  • [450] Representative William Clay - 1996-03-21
  • [271] Representative Cardiss Collins - 1996-03-21
  • [191] Representative Harry Johnston - 1996-03-21
  • [495] Representative Charlie Rose - 1996-03-21
  • [637] Representative Louis Stokes - 1996-03-21
  • [376] Representative Gerry Studds - 1996-03-21
  • [767] Representative Charles Wilson - 1996-03-21
Rep. Steve King [R-IA04]
Sync Rule: 