H.R. 191: Sponsors (2015)

2015: Sponsored H.R. 191, the Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015, introduced by Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.)

Action Type: 
Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 15:45


  • [12] Representative Robert Aderholt - 2015-01-07
  • [1128] Senator Marsha Blackburn - 2015-01-07
  • [923] Representative John Culberson - 2015-01-07
  • [769] Representative Sam Johnson - 2015-01-07
  • [1105] Representative Steve King - 2015-01-07
  • [179] Representative John Mica - 2015-01-07
  • [1084] Representative Mike Rogers - 2015-01-07
  • [799] Representative Lamar Smith - 2015-01-07
  • [1191] Representative Louie Gohmert - 2015-01-07
  • [1180] Representative Kenny Marchant - 2015-01-07
  • [1300] Representative John Fleming - 2015-01-07
  • [1344] Representative Duncan Hunter - 2015-01-07
  • [1327] Representative Pete Olson - 2015-01-07
  • [1291] Representative Bill Posey - 2015-01-07
  • [9345] Representative Martha Roby - 2015-01-07
  • [9346] Representative Morris Brooks - 2015-01-07
  • [9400] Representative Paul Gosar - 2015-01-07
  • [9402] Representative David Schweikert - 2015-01-07
  • [9439] Representative Rick Crawford - 2015-01-07
  • [9675] Representative Dennis Ross - 2015-01-07
  • [10641] Representative Renee Ellmers - 2015-01-07
  • [10795] Representative Mike Kelly - 2015-01-07
  • [10798] Representative Thomas Marino - 2015-01-07
  • [10799] Representative Louis Barletta - 2015-01-07
  • [7542] Representative Jeff Duncan - 2015-01-07
  • [10918] Representative Scott Desjarlais - 2015-01-07
  • [10919] Representative Steve Fincher - 2015-01-07
  • [10944] Representative Bill Flores - 2015-01-07
  • [10946] Representative Blake Farenthold - 2015-01-07
  • [2770] Representative Doug Collins - 2015-01-07
  • [11620] Representative Richard Hudson - 2015-01-07
  • [11618] Representative Robert Pittenger - 2015-01-07
  • [11606] Representative Jim Bridenstine - 2015-01-07
  • [7258] Representative Scott Perry - 2015-01-07
  • [7946] Representative Randy Weber - 2015-01-07
  • [11599] Representative Roger Williams - 2015-01-07
  • [14151] Representative Bradley Byrne - 2015-01-07


  • [3] Representative Don Young - 2015-01-07
  • [12] Representative Robert Aderholt - 2015-01-07
  • [36] Representative Matt Salmon - 2015-01-07
  • [52] Representative Mike Thompson - 2015-01-07
  • [61] Representative Nancy Pelosi - 2015-01-07
  • [63] Representative Barbara Lee - 2015-01-07
  • [72] Representative Anna Eshoo - 2015-01-07
  • [75] Representative Zoe Lofgren - 2015-01-07
  • [77] Representative Sam Farr - 2015-01-07
  • [86] Representative Lois Capps - 2015-01-07
  • [90] Representative Brad Sherman - 2015-01-07
  • [99] Representative Xavier Becerra - 2015-01-07
  • [104] Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard - 2015-01-07
  • [106] Representative Grace Napolitano - 2015-01-07
  • [107] Representative Maxine Waters - 2015-01-07
  • [113] Representative Ed Royce - 2015-01-07
  • [120] Representative Ken Calvert - 2015-01-07
  • [124] Representative Dana Rohrabacher - 2015-01-07
  • [126] Representative Loretta Sanchez - 2015-01-07
  • [139] Representative Diana DeGette - 2015-01-07
  • [150] Representative John Larson - 2015-01-07
  • [154] Representative Rosa DeLauro - 2015-01-07
  • [161] Delegate Eleanor Norton - 2015-01-07
  • [174] Representative Corrine Brown - 2015-01-07
  • [179] Representative John Mica - 2015-01-07
  • [198] Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - 2015-01-07
  • [204] Representative Alcee Hastings - 2015-01-07
  • [211] Representative Sanford Bishop - 2015-01-07
  • [216] Representative John Lewis - 2015-01-07
  • [253] Representative Mike Simpson - 2015-01-07
  • [261] Representative Bobby Rush - 2015-01-07
  • [267] Representative Luis Gutierrez - 2015-01-07
  • [272] Representative Danny Davis - 2015-01-07
  • [276] Representative Jan Schakowsky - 2015-01-07
  • [294] Representative John Shimkus - 2015-01-07
  • [298] Representative Pete Visclosky - 2015-01-07
  • [331] Representative Edward Whitfield - 2015-01-07
  • [339] Representative Hal Rogers - 2015-01-07
  • [362] Representative Richard Neal - 2015-01-07
  • [365] Representative James McGovern - 2015-01-07
  • [373] Representative Michael Capuano - 2015-01-07
  • [387] Representative Steny Hoyer - 2015-01-07
  • [391] Representative Elijah Cummings - 2015-01-07
  • [410] Representative Fred Upton - 2015-01-07
  • [421] Representative Sander Levin - 2015-01-07
  • [425] Representative John Conyers - 2015-01-07
  • [445] Representative Collin Peterson - 2015-01-07
  • [470] Representative Bennie Thompson - 2015-01-07
  • [488] Representative Walter Jones - 2015-01-07
  • [491] Representative David Price - 2015-01-07
  • [528] Representative Frank LoBiondo - 2015-01-07
  • [531] Representative Chris Smith - 2015-01-07
  • [534] Representative Frank Pallone - 2015-01-07
  • [539] Representative Bill Pascrell - 2015-01-07
  • [542] Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen - 2015-01-07
  • [569] Representative Peter King - 2015-01-07
  • [576] Representative Gregory Meeks - 2015-01-07
  • [578] Representative Joseph Crowley - 2015-01-07
  • [580] Representative Jerrold Nadler - 2015-01-07
  • [585] Representative Nydia Velazquez - 2015-01-07
  • [590] Representative Carolyn Maloney - 2015-01-07
  • [592] Representative Charles Rangel - 2015-01-07
  • [593] Representative Jose Serrano - 2015-01-07
  • [595] Representative Eliot Engel - 2015-01-07
  • [596] Representative Nita Lowey - 2015-01-07
  • [611] Representative Louise Slaughter - 2015-01-07
  • [634] Representative Marcy Kaptur - 2015-01-07
  • [664] Representative Frank Lucas - 2015-01-07
  • [673] Representative Greg Walden - 2015-01-07
  • [676] Representative Earl Blumenauer - 2015-01-07
  • [677] Representative Peter DeFazio - 2015-01-07
  • [684] Representative Robert Brady - 2015-01-07
  • [688] Representative Chaka Fattah - 2015-01-07
  • [713] Representative Joseph Pitts - 2015-01-07
  • [715] Representative Mike Doyle - 2015-01-07
  • [730] Representative Mark Sanford - 2015-01-07
  • [738] Representative James Clyburn - 2015-01-07
  • [749] Representative John Duncan - 2015-01-07
  • [769] Representative Sam Johnson - 2015-01-07
  • [771] Representative Pete Sessions - 2015-01-07
  • [773] Representative Joe Barton - 2015-01-07
  • [776] Representative Kevin Brady - 2015-01-07
  • [780] Representative Lloyd Doggett - 2015-01-07
  • [783] Representative Kay Granger - 2015-01-07
  • [785] Representative Mac Thornberry - 2015-01-07
  • [790] Representative Ruben Hinojosa - 2015-01-07
  • [795] Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee - 2015-01-07
  • [799] Representative Lamar Smith - 2015-01-07
  • [808] Representative Gene Green - 2015-01-07
  • [809] Representative Eddie Johnson - 2015-01-07
  • [823] Representative Bobby Scott - 2015-01-07
  • [827] Representative Bob Goodlatte - 2015-01-07
  • [855] Representative Jim McDermott - 2015-01-07
  • [859] Representative Adam Smith - 2015-01-07
  • [863] Representative Paul Ryan - 2015-01-07
  • [871] Representative Ron Kind - 2015-01-07
  • [880] Representative Jim Sensenbrenner - 2015-01-07
  • [921] Representative Wm. Lacy Clay - 2015-01-07
  • [922] Representative Ander Crenshaw - 2015-01-07
  • [923] Representative John Culberson - 2015-01-07
  • [925] Representative Susan Davis - 2015-01-07
  • [930] Representative Sam Graves - 2015-01-07
  • [934] Representative Mike Honda - 2015-01-07
  • [936] Representative Steve Israel - 2015-01-07
  • [937] Representative Darrell Issa - 2015-01-07
  • [943] Representative James Langevin - 2015-01-07
  • [944] Representative Rick Larsen - 2015-01-07
  • [946] Representative Betty McCollum - 2015-01-07
  • [959] Representative Adam Schiff - 2015-01-07
  • [965] Representative Patrick Tiberi - 2015-01-07
  • [970] Representative Bill Shuster - 2015-01-07
  • [1016] Representative Randy Forbes - 2015-01-07
  • [1064] Representative Jeff Miller - 2015-01-07
  • [1068] Representative Stephen Lynch - 2015-01-07
  • [1069] Representative Joe Wilson - 2015-01-07
  • [1084] Representative Mike Rogers - 2015-01-07
  • [1087] Representative Trent Franks - 2015-01-07
  • [1088] Representative Raul Grijalva - 2015-01-07
  • [1090] Representative Devin Nunes - 2015-01-07
  • [1091] Representative Linda Sanchez - 2015-01-07
  • [1097] Representative Mario Diaz-Balart - 2015-01-07
  • [1102] Representative David Scott - 2015-01-07
  • [1105] Representative Steve King - 2015-01-07
  • [1108] Representative Dutch Ruppersberger - 2015-01-07
  • [1109] Senator Chris Van Hollen - 2015-01-07
  • [1110] Representative Candice Miller - 2015-01-07
  • [1112] Representative John Kline - 2015-01-07
  • [1115] Representative Scott Garrett - 2015-01-07
  • [1119] Representative Tim Ryan - 2015-01-07
  • [1120] Representative Tom Cole - 2015-01-07
  • [1123] Representative Timothy Murphy - 2015-01-07
  • [1127] Representative Jim Cooper - 2015-01-07
  • [1128] Senator Marsha Blackburn - 2015-01-07
  • [1129] Representative Jeb Hensarling - 2015-01-07
  • [1131] Representative Michael Burgess - 2015-01-07
  • [1132] Representative John Carter - 2015-01-07
  • [1133] Representative Rob Bishop - 2015-01-07
  • [1144] Representative Randy Neugebauer - 2015-01-07
  • [1147] Representative G.K. Butterfield - 2015-01-07
  • [1152] Representative Jim Costa - 2015-01-07
  • [1157] Representative Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - 2015-01-07
  • [1158] Representative Thomas Price - 2015-01-07
  • [1159] Representative Lynn Westmoreland - 2015-01-07
  • [1161] Representative Daniel Lipinski - 2015-01-07
  • [1166] Representative Charles Boustany - 2015-01-07
  • [1168] Representative Emanuel Cleaver - 2015-01-07
  • [1171] Representative Virginia Foxx - 2015-01-07
  • [1172] Representative Patrick McHenry - 2015-01-07
  • [1176] Representative Charles Dent - 2015-01-07
  • [1177] Representative Al Green - 2015-01-07
  • [1178] Representative Michael McCaul - 2015-01-07
  • [1179] Representative Mike Conaway - 2015-01-07
  • [1180] Representative Kenny Marchant - 2015-01-07
  • [1182] Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers - 2015-01-07
  • [1183] Representative Dave Reichert - 2015-01-07
  • [1184] Representative Gwen Moore - 2015-01-07
  • [1188] Representative Brian Higgins - 2015-01-07
  • [1189] Representative Jeff Fortenberry - 2015-01-07
  • [1190] Representative Henry Cuellar - 2015-01-07
  • [1191] Representative Louie Gohmert - 2015-01-07
  • [1193] Representative Ted Poe - 2015-01-07
  • [1196] Representative Doris Matsui - 2015-01-07
  • [1202] Representative Albio Sires - 2015-01-07
  • [1214] Representative Jerry McNerney - 2015-01-07
  • [1215] Representative Kevin McCarthy - 2015-01-07
  • [1216] Representative Doug Lamborn - 2015-01-07
  • [1217] Representative Ed Perlmutter - 2015-01-07
  • [1218] Representative Joe Courtney - 2015-01-07
  • [1220] Representative Gus Bilirakis - 2015-01-07
  • [1221] Representative Kathy Castor - 2015-01-07
  • [1222] Representative Vern Buchanan - 2015-01-07
  • [1227] Representative John Yarmuth - 2015-01-07
  • [1229] Senator Peter Welch - 2015-01-07
  • [1232] Representative Henry Johnson - 2015-01-07
  • [1233] Representative John Sarbanes - 2015-01-07
  • [1236] Representative Dave Loebsack - 2015-01-07
  • [1238] Representative Peter Roskam - 2015-01-07
  • [1241] Representative Timothy Walz - 2015-01-07
  • [1242] Representative Keith Ellison - 2015-01-07
  • [1245] Representative Adrian Smith - 2015-01-07
  • [1249] Representative Yvette Clarke - 2015-01-07
  • [1252] Representative Jim Jordan - 2015-01-07
  • [1256] Former Governor Mary Fallin - 2015-01-07
  • [1262] Representative Steve Cohen - 2015-01-07
  • [1271] Representative Niki Tsongas - 2015-01-07
  • [1272] Representative Robert Latta - 2015-01-07
  • [1273] Representative Robert Wittman - 2015-01-07
  • [1274] Representative Bill Foster - 2015-01-07
  • [1275] Representative Andre Carson - 2015-01-07
  • [1276] Representative Jackie Speier - 2015-01-07
  • [1278] Representative Steve Scalise - 2015-01-07
  • [1280] Representative Donna Edwards - 2015-01-07
  • [1281] Representative Marcia Fudge - 2015-01-07
  • [1284] Representative Ann Kirkpatrick - 2015-01-07
  • [1285] Representative Tom McClintock - 2015-01-07
  • [1286] Governor Jared Polis - 2015-01-07
  • [1288] Representative Mike Coffman - 2015-01-07
  • [1289] Representative James Himes - 2015-01-07
  • [1290] Representative Alan Grayson - 2015-01-07
  • [1291] Representative Bill Posey - 2015-01-07
  • [1292] Representative Thomas Rooney - 2015-01-07
  • [1297] Representative Lynn Jenkins - 2015-01-07
  • [1298] Representative Brett Guthrie - 2015-01-07
  • [1300] Representative John Fleming - 2015-01-07
  • [1303] Representative Chellie Pingree - 2015-01-07
  • [1306] Representative Erik Paulsen - 2015-01-07
  • [1307] Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer - 2015-01-07
  • [1308] Representative Gregg Harper - 2015-01-07
  • [1311] Representative Leonard Lance - 2015-01-07
  • [1314] Senator Ben Lujan - 2015-01-07
  • [1315] Representative Dina Titus - 2015-01-07
  • [1316] Representative Paul Tonko - 2015-01-07
  • [1323] Representative Kurt Schrader - 2015-01-07
  • [1325] Representative Glenn Thompson - 2015-01-07
  • [1326] Representative Phil Roe - 2015-01-07
  • [1327] Representative Pete Olson - 2015-01-07
  • [1328] Representative Jason Chaffetz - 2015-01-07
  • [1331] Representative Gerald Connolly - 2015-01-07
  • [1332] Senator Cynthia Lummis - 2015-01-07
  • [1344] Representative Duncan Hunter - 2015-01-07
  • [1348] Representative Mike Quigley - 2015-01-07
  • [1351] Representative Judy Chu - 2015-01-07
  • [1354] Representative John Garamendi - 2015-01-07
  • [1613] Senator Kyrsten Sinema - 2015-01-07
  • [1784] Representative Mark DeSaulnier - 2015-01-07
  • [1789] Representative Jeff Denham - 2015-01-07
  • [1804] Representative Alan Lowenthal - 2015-01-07
  • [1810] Representative Mimi Walters - 2015-01-07
  • [1823] Representative Jared Huffman - 2015-01-07
  • [1853] Representative Steve Knight - 2015-01-07
  • [1858] Representative Julia Brownley - 2015-01-07
  • [1864] Representative Karen Bass - 2015-01-07
  • [1870] Representative Ted Lieu - 2015-01-07
  • [1878] Representative Norma Torres - 2015-01-07
  • [1882] Representative Paul Cook - 2015-01-07
  • [1990] Representative Scott Tipton - 2015-01-07
  • [2136] Representative Elizabeth Esty - 2015-01-07
  • [2558] Representative Ted Deutch - 2015-01-07
  • [2561] Representative Frederica Wilson - 2015-01-07
  • [2757] Representative Barry Loudermilk - 2015-01-07
  • [2770] Representative Doug Collins - 2015-01-07
  • [2893] Representative Austin Scott - 2015-01-07
  • [2899] Representative Buddy Carter - 2015-01-07
  • [2979] Representative Mark Takai - 2015-01-07
  • [3059] Representative Raul Labrador - 2015-01-07
  • [3149] Representative Randy Hultgren - 2015-01-07
  • [3275] Representative Mike Bost - 2015-01-07
  • [3349] Representative Jackie Walorski - 2015-01-07
  • [3616] Representative Tim Huelskamp - 2015-01-07
  • [3638] Representative Kevin Yoder - 2015-01-07
  • [4020] Representative Cedric Richmond - 2015-01-07
  • [4213] Representative Alexander Mooney - 2015-01-07
  • [4217] Representative Andrew Harris - 2015-01-07
  • [4529] Representative Katherine Clark - 2015-01-07
  • [4610] Representative Michael Bishop - 2015-01-07
  • [4707] Representative Justin Amash - 2015-01-07
  • [4850] Representative Tom Emmer - 2015-01-07
  • [4952] Representative Alan Nunnelee - 2015-01-07
  • [5114] Representative Steven Palazzo - 2015-01-07
  • [5301] Representative Jason Smith - 2015-01-07
  • [5316] Representative Ryan Zinke - 2015-01-07
  • [5484] Representative Brad Ashford - 2015-01-07
  • [6067] Representative Bonnie Watson Coleman - 2015-01-07
  • [6312] Representative Grace Meng - 2015-01-07
  • [6347] Representative Hakeem Jeffries - 2015-01-07
  • [6452] Representative David Rouzer - 2015-01-07
  • [6548] Representative Alma Adams - 2015-01-07
  • [6773] Representative Bob Gibbs - 2015-01-07
  • [6927] Representative Steve Russell - 2015-01-07
  • [7047] Representative Suzanne Bonamici - 2015-01-07
  • [7258] Representative Scott Perry - 2015-01-07
  • [7336] Representative Brendan Boyle - 2015-01-07
  • [7497] Representative Mick Mulvaney - 2015-01-07
  • [7542] Representative Jeff Duncan - 2015-01-07
  • [7697] Governor Kristi Noem - 2015-01-07
  • [7773] Representative Diane Black - 2015-01-07
  • [7946] Representative Randy Weber - 2015-01-07
  • [8012] Representative Marc Veasey - 2015-01-07
  • [8042] Representative Joaquin Castro - 2015-01-07
  • [8369] Representative Robert Hurt - 2015-01-07
  • [8398] Representative Morgan Griffith - 2015-01-07
  • [8514] Representative Derek Kilmer - 2015-01-07
  • [8573] Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler - 2015-01-07
  • [8645] Representative Evan Jenkins - 2015-01-07
  • [8790] Representative Glenn Grothman - 2015-01-07
  • [8881] Representative Mark Pocan - 2015-01-07
  • [8999] Representative Barbara Comstock - 2015-01-07
  • [9105] Representative Donald Norcross - 2015-01-07
  • [9291] Representative Tom Graves - 2015-01-07
  • [9307] Representative Marlin Stutzman - 2015-01-07
  • [9345] Representative Martha Roby - 2015-01-07
  • [9346] Representative Morris Brooks - 2015-01-07
  • [9347] Representative Terri Sewell - 2015-01-07
  • [9400] Representative Paul Gosar - 2015-01-07
  • [9402] Representative David Schweikert - 2015-01-07
  • [9423] Representative Ruben Gallego - 2015-01-07
  • [9439] Representative Rick Crawford - 2015-01-07
  • [9441] Representative Steve Womack - 2015-01-07
  • [9464] Representative Bruce Westerman - 2015-01-07
  • [9494] Representative Doug LaMalfa - 2015-01-07
  • [9497] Representative Juan Vargas - 2015-01-07
  • [9508] Representative David Valadao - 2015-01-07
  • [9589] Governor John Carney - 2015-01-07
  • [9673] Representative Richard Nugent - 2015-01-07
  • [9674] Representative Daniel Webster - 2015-01-07
  • [9675] Representative Dennis Ross - 2015-01-07
  • [9727] Representative Rob Woodall - 2015-01-07
  • [9800] Representative Robert Dold - 2015-01-07
  • [9801] Representative Adam Kinzinger - 2015-01-07
  • [9826] Representative Todd Rokita - 2015-01-07
  • [9827] Representative Larry Bucshon - 2015-01-07
  • [9828] Senator Todd Young - 2015-01-07
  • [9891] Representative Michael Pompeo - 2015-01-07
  • [10039] Representative Bill Keating - 2015-01-07
  • [10082] Representative Daniel Benishek - 2015-01-07
  • [10083] Representative Bill Huizenga - 2015-01-07
  • [10084] Representative Tim Walberg - 2015-01-07
  • [10097] Representative John Moolenaar - 2015-01-07
  • [10221] Representative Vicky Hartzler - 2015-01-07
  • [10222] Representative Billy Long - 2015-01-07
  • [10358] Representative Joe Heck - 2015-01-07
  • [10370] Representative Cresent Hardy - 2015-01-07
  • [10384] Representative Frank Guinta - 2015-01-07
  • [10585] Representative Stevan Pearce - 2015-01-07
  • [10601] Representative Christopher Gibson - 2015-01-07
  • [10602] Representative Richard Hanna - 2015-01-07
  • [10604] Representative Thomas Reed - 2015-01-07
  • [10605] Representative Lee Zeldin - 2015-01-07
  • [10641] Representative Renee Ellmers - 2015-01-07
  • [10714] Representative Steve Chabot - 2015-01-07
  • [10715] Representative Bill Johnson - 2015-01-07
  • [10716] Representative Steve Stivers - 2015-01-07
  • [10717] Representative James Renacci - 2015-01-07
  • [10795] Representative Mike Kelly - 2015-01-07
  • [10796] Representative Patrick Meehan - 2015-01-07
  • [10797] Representative Michael Fitzpatrick - 2015-01-07
  • [10798] Representative Thomas Marino - 2015-01-07
  • [10799] Representative Louis Barletta - 2015-01-07
  • [10831] Representative David Cicilline - 2015-01-07
  • [10862] Representative Trey Gowdy - 2015-01-07
  • [10917] Representative Charles Fleischmann - 2015-01-07
  • [10918] Representative Scott Desjarlais - 2015-01-07
  • [10919] Representative Steve Fincher - 2015-01-07
  • [10944] Representative Bill Flores - 2015-01-07
  • [10946] Representative Blake Farenthold - 2015-01-07
  • [11031] Representative Scott Rigell - 2015-01-07
  • [11059] Representative David McKinley - 2015-01-07
  • [11083] Representative Sean Duffy - 2015-01-07
  • [11084] Representative Reid Ribble - 2015-01-07
  • [11289] Representative Janice Hahn - 2015-01-07
  • [11311] Representative Mark Amodei - 2015-01-07
  • [11580] Representative Thomas Massie - 2015-01-07
  • [11581] Representative Suzan DelBene - 2015-01-07
  • [11592] Representative Ami Bera - 2015-01-07
  • [11593] Representative Eric Swalwell - 2015-01-07
  • [11594] Representative Tony Cardenas - 2015-01-07
  • [11595] Representative Raul Ruiz - 2015-01-07
  • [11596] Representative Mark Takano - 2015-01-07
  • [11597] Representative Scott Peters - 2015-01-07
  • [11598] Representative Chris Stewart - 2015-01-07
  • [11599] Representative Roger Williams - 2015-01-07
  • [11601] Representative Beto O'Rourke - 2015-01-07
  • [11602] Representative Filemon Vela - 2015-01-07
  • [11603] Representative Tom Rice - 2015-01-07
  • [11604] Representative Keith Rothfus - 2015-01-07
  • [11605] Senator Markwayne Mullin - 2015-01-07
  • [11606] Representative Jim Bridenstine - 2015-01-07
  • [11607] Representative David Joyce - 2015-01-07
  • [11608] Representative Ted Yoho - 2015-01-07
  • [11609] Governor Ron DeSantis - 2015-01-07
  • [11610] Representative Patrick Murphy - 2015-01-07
  • [11611] Representative Joyce Beatty - 2015-01-07
  • [11613] Representative Brad Wenstrup - 2015-01-07
  • [11614] Senator Kevin Cramer - 2015-01-07
  • [11615] Representative George Holding - 2015-01-07
  • [11616] Representative Mark Meadows - 2015-01-07
  • [11618] Representative Robert Pittenger - 2015-01-07
  • [11619] Representative Lois Frankel - 2015-01-07
  • [11620] Representative Richard Hudson - 2015-01-07
  • [11621] Representative Chris Collins - 2015-01-07
  • [11622] Representative Sean Maloney - 2015-01-07
  • [11623] Representative Tulsi Gabbard - 2015-01-07
  • [11624] Senator Tammy Duckworth - 2015-01-07
  • [11627] Representative Rodney Davis - 2015-01-07
  • [11629] Representative Susan Brooks - 2015-01-07
  • [11630] Representative Andy Barr - 2015-01-07
  • [11631] Representative John Delaney - 2015-01-07
  • [11634] Representative Rick Nolan - 2015-01-07
  • [11637] Representative Cheri Bustos - 2015-01-07
  • [11638] Representative Luke Messer - 2015-01-07
  • [11643] Representative Ann Wagner - 2015-01-07
  • [11880] Representative Joseph Kennedy - 2015-01-07
  • [11895] Representative Annie Kuster - 2015-01-07
  • [12024] Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham - 2015-01-07
  • [12119] Representative Matthew Cartwright - 2015-01-07
  • [12216] Representative Denny Heck - 2015-01-07
  • [12805] Representative Michael Turner - 2015-01-07
  • [13235] Representative Robin Kelly - 2015-01-07
  • [14151] Representative Bradley Byrne - 2015-01-07
  • [14155] Representative Donald Payne - 2015-01-07
  • [14156] Representative David Jolly - 2015-01-07
  • [14180] Representative Daniel Kildee - 2015-01-07
  • [14208] Representative Curtis Clawson - 2015-01-07
  • [14223] Representative Dave Brat - 2015-01-07
  • [14226] Representative David Young - 2015-01-07
  • [14227] Representative Gary Palmer - 2015-01-07
  • [14228] Senator Martha McSally - 2015-01-07
  • [14229] Representative French Hill - 2015-01-07
  • [14230] Representative Mark Walker - 2015-01-07
  • [14231] Representative Pete Aguilar - 2015-01-07
  • [14232] Representative Ken Buck - 2015-01-07
  • [14233] Representative Carlos Curbelo - 2015-01-07
  • [14234] Representative Jody Hice - 2015-01-07
  • [14235] Representative Rick Allen - 2015-01-07
  • [14236] Representative Rod Blum - 2015-01-07
  • [14238] Representative Ralph Abraham - 2015-01-07
  • [14239] Representative Garret Graves - 2015-01-07
  • [14240] Representative Bruce Poliquin - 2015-01-07
  • [14241] Representative David Trott - 2015-01-07
  • [14242] Representative Tom MacArthur - 2015-01-07
  • [14243] Representative Elise Stefanik - 2015-01-07
  • [14244] Representative John Katko - 2015-01-07
  • [14245] Representative Ryan Costello - 2015-01-07
  • [14246] Representative John Ratcliffe - 2015-01-07
  • [14248] Representative Brian Babin - 2015-01-07
  • [14249] Representative Mia Love - 2015-01-07
  • [14250] Representative Dan Newhouse - 2015-01-07
  • [14251] Representative Gwen Graham - 2015-01-07
  • [14252] Representative Seth Moulton - 2015-01-07
  • [14253] Representative Debbie Dingell - 2015-01-07
  • [14254] Representative Brenda Lawrence - 2015-01-07
  • [15235] Representative Kathleen Rice - 2015-01-07
  • [15476] Representative William Hurd - 2015-01-07
  • [15558] Representative Donald Beyer - 2015-01-07
  • [15661] - 2015-01-07
  • [15662] Delegate Stacey Plaskett - 2015-01-07
  • [15663] Representative Daniel Donovan - 2015-01-07
  • [15667] Representative Trent Kelly - 2015-01-07
  • [15668] Representative Darin LaHood - 2015-01-07
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