1990: Senate floor vote on S. 358, the Immigration Act of 1990, introduced by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.)
Action Type:
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- [230] Senator Daniel Akaka - 1990-10-26
- [476] Senator Max Baucus - 1990-10-26
- [162] President Joseph Biden - 1990-10-26
- [549] Senator Jeff Bingaman - 1990-10-26
- [447] Senator Kit Bond - 1990-10-26
- [343] Senator John Breaux - 1990-10-26
- [477] Senator Conrad Burns - 1990-10-26
- [465] Senator Thad Cochran - 1990-10-26
- [504] Senator Kent Conrad - 1990-10-26
- [739] Senator Tom Daschle - 1990-10-26
- [148] Senator Christopher Dodd - 1990-10-26
- [548] Senator Pete Domenici - 1990-10-26
- [166] Senator Bob Graham - 1990-10-26
- [235] Senator Chuck Grassley - 1990-10-26
- [236] Senator Tom Harkin - 1990-10-26
- [811] Senator Orrin Hatch - 1990-10-26
- [728] Senator Ernest Hollings - 1990-10-26
- [229] Senator Daniel Inouye - 1990-10-26
- [836] Senator James Jeffords - 1990-10-26
- [358] Senator Edward Kennedy - 1990-10-26
- [359] Former Senator John Kerry - 1990-10-26
- [860] Senator Herb Kohl - 1990-10-26
- [524] Senator Frank Lautenberg - 1990-10-26
- [835] Senator Patrick Leahy - 1990-10-26
- [400] Senator Carl Levin - 1990-10-26
- [149] Senator Joseph Lieberman - 1990-10-26
- [295] Senator Richard Lugar - 1990-10-26
- [33] Senator John McCain - 1990-10-26
- [328] Senator Mitch McConnell - 1990-10-26
- [379] Senator Barbara Mikulski - 1990-10-26
- [653] Senator Don Nickles - 1990-10-26
- [556] Senator Harry Reid - 1990-10-26
- [882] Senator John Rockefeller - 1990-10-26
- [378] Senator Paul Sarbanes - 1990-10-26
- [4] Senator Richard Shelby - 1990-10-26
- [682] Senator Arlen Specter - 1990-10-26
- [1] Senator Ted Stevens - 1990-10-26
- [820] Senator John Warner - 1990-10-26
- [2] Senator Frank Murkowski - 1990-10-26
- [727] Senator Strom Thurmond - 1990-10-26
- [761] Senator Phil Gramm - 1990-10-26
- [557] Senator Richard Bryan - 1990-10-26
- [838] Senator Slade Gorton - 1990-10-26
- [508] Representative Bob Kerrey - 1990-10-26
- [167] Senator Connie Mack, III - 1990-10-26
- [563] Senator Daniel Moynihan - 1990-10-26
- [821] Senator Charles Robb - 1990-10-26
- [839] Senator Brock Adams - 1990-10-26
- [762] Senator Lloyd Bentsen - 1990-10-26
- [654] Senator David Boren - 1990-10-26
- [525] Senator Bill Bradley - 1990-10-26
- [999] Senator Quentin Burdick - 1990-10-26
- [969] Senator John Chafee - 1990-10-26
- [9825] Senator Daniel Coats - 1990-10-26
- [394] Senator William Cohen - 1990-10-26
- [564] Senator Alfonse DAmato - 1990-10-26
- [448] Senator John Danforth - 1990-10-26
- [34] Senator Dennis DeConcini - 1990-10-26
- [257] Senator Alan Dixon - 1990-10-26
- [316] Senator Robert Dole - 1990-10-26
- [431] Senator David Durenberger - 1990-10-26
- [329] Senator Wendell Ford - 1990-10-26
- [205] Senator Wyche Fowler - 1990-10-26
- [810] Senator Jake Garn - 1990-10-26
- [617] Senator John Glenn - 1990-10-26
- [744] Senator Al Gore - 1990-10-26
- [5] Representative Howell Heflin - 1990-10-26
- [681] Senator John Heinz - 1990-10-26
- [517] Senator Gordon Humphrey - 1990-10-26
- [345] Representative J. Bennett Johnston - 1990-10-26
- [318] Senator Nancy Kassebaum - 1990-10-26
- [861] Senator Bob Kasten - 1990-10-26
- [247] Senator James McClure - 1990-10-26
- [619] Senator Howard Metzenbaum - 1990-10-26
- [393] Senator George Mitchell - 1990-10-26
- [207] Senator Sam Nunn - 1990-10-26
- [668] Senator Bob Packwood - 1990-10-26
- [721] Senator Claiborne Pell - 1990-10-26
- [740] Senator Larry Pressler - 1990-10-26
- [402] Senator Donald Riegle - 1990-10-26
- [481] Senator Terry Sanford - 1990-10-26
- [746] Senator Jim Sasser - 1990-10-26
- [259] Senator Paul Simon - 1990-10-26
- [887] Senator Alan Simpson - 1990-10-26
- [249] Senator Steve Symms - 1990-10-26
- [889] Senator Malcolm Wallop - 1990-10-26
- [48] Senator Pete Wilson - 1990-10-26
- [881] Senator Robert Byrd - 1990-10-26
- [466] Senator Trent Lott - 1990-10-26
- [480] Senator Jesse Helms - 1990-10-26
- [163] Senator William Roth - 1990-10-26
- [136] Senator Bill Armstrong - 1990-10-26
- [21] Senator Dale Bumpers - 1990-10-26
- [509] Senator Jim Exon - 1990-10-26
- [518] Senator Warren Rudman - 1990-10-26
- [429] Senator Rudy Boschwitz - 1990-10-26
- [666] Senator Mark Hatfield - 1990-10-26
- [23] Senator David Pryor - 1990-10-26
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