56 House Republicans Request VP Harris be Removed From 'Border Czar' Position


More than four dozen House Republicans have signed a letter requesting President Biden remove Vice President Kamala Harris from her role as "Border Czar" handling the US immigration crisis - citing her complete and willful lack of action on the issue.

Wisconsin Representative Glenn Grothman in a letter to President Biden, signed by 56 House lawmakers, wrote:

Despite being in the midst of a border crisis this country has not seen in two decades, Vice President Harris has not yet shown adequate interest in observing this crisis first-hand.

In the 85 days since the Vice President has been tasked with solving this crisis, she has yet to visit the border and meet with Border Patrol agents, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, and local law enforcement officials.

Waves of illegal aliens flooding across the US-Mexico border have created the worst border crisis in over two decades and one of the earliest and most pressing challenges of Biden's term. To deal with the problem, President Biden tapped Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Vice President recently traveled to Mexico and Guatemala where she received negative reviews from progressives for bluntly telling would-be migrants there not to come to the United States. The VP's trip also received negative reviews from across the aisle because she has still not visited the border herself.

The White House has attempted to pivot from the pressure, stressing that Harris's Czar role is primarily diplomatic.

Former President Trump said he will visit the border later this month with Texas Governor Greg Abbot.

For the full story, please visit the New York Post.