On the Amendment S.Amdt. 1223 to S.Amdt. 1150 to S. 1348 (Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007)
Voted in favor of amendment to S. 1348 to increase H-1B visa fees in 2007
Voted in favor of amendment to S. 1348 to increase H-1B visa fees in 2007
Voted on Senate floor in favor of amendment to sunset proposed guestworker program in 5 years in 2007
Voted in favor of amendment to cut proposed guestworker program in half in 2007
The bill would “expedite” the importation of H-1B high-skill nonimmigrant workers by requiring the employer to submit to the Department of Labor the requisite labor condition application at the same time as the employer submits to DHS the petition for nonimmigrant admission of the H-1B worker.
To provide job creation and assistance, and for other purposes.
The bill would prohibit employers who employ H-1B high-skill nonimmigrant workers from transferring them from a worksite in one state to a worksite in another; would require employers of H-1Bs to share information exchanged with Federal agencies with prospective, current, and former H-1B workers upon request; would authorize the Department of Labor (DOL) to investigate applications that have clear indicators of fraud or misrepresentation, instead of simply checking for completeness and inaccuracies (as current law provides) and would eliminate the current statutory provision that requires t
Voted in favor of amendment to kill proposed guestworker program in 2007
Sen. ZZlastnameZZ voted in favor of the Dorgan Amendment to S. 1348 to delete provisions in the bill establishing new guestworker programs, which, potentially, could authorize the importation of up to 600,000 foreign workers per year. The Dorgan Amendment failed by a vote of 31 to 64.
The bill would require, in fiscal years 2008 and 2009 and subject to appropriation, the hiring of an additional 3,000 full-time Border Patrol agents.
To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to provide for an increase in border patrol agents and other immigration enforcement activities, for a temporary agricultural worker program, and for a program to adjust the status of certain qualified long-term residents.