Approx. 60% of England/Wales Population Growth Due to Immigration


According to recent census data, approximately 60% of all population growth in England and Wales over the past ten years has been caused solely by immigration. This is not an isolated instance either, as many other European countries have seen their populations soar due to legal and illegal immigration.

Breitbart News reports,

According to census figures released by the UK’s Office for National Statistics on Wednesday, the usual resident population of England and Wales grew by 3.5 million, or 6.3 percent in ten years.

Using data on the number of births and deaths, the government statistical agency estimates that 57.5 percent of this population growth is down to inward migration.

A press release from the Office for National Statistics adds context by stating,

Monthly data show that from April 2011 until the end of March 2021 there were 6.8 million live births and 5.3 million deaths registered in England and Wales.

This represents a natural increase of approximately 1.5 million usual residents (42.5% of the total population increase). The remainder of the population growth (approximately 2.0 million usual residents, 57.5% of total population increase) is because of positive net migration (the difference between those who immigrated into and emigrated out of England and Wales).

Boiled down, in the 2011 census, there were 56,075,912 people recorded as being ‘usually resident’ in England and Wales; on census day 2021, there were 59,597,542 people, a total increase of 6.3%. This does not include those who broke UK law by refusing to fill out a census form.

This is just one of many nations affected by immigration-driven population growths in Europe. For example, Ireland, Germany, and Sweden have all seen record growths in their population where a majority of that increase can be attributed to immigration.

You can read the complete article here.