Axios: DHS Only Rejecting 13% of Alien Families at Border


Despite the Biden Administration keeping a policy known as “Ttitle 42” - a public health order used by the Trump Administration to quickly turn-back adults and family groups who illegally cross the southern border during the coronavirus pandemic - according to a recent report in, border officials under the Biden Administration are now releasing nearly nine out of ten aliens from family units into the United States.

The Axios report details:

The data shows an average of just 13% of nearly 13,000 family members attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border were returned to Mexico between March 14 and March 21 using the public health order, which essentially says the U.S. can close the border to nonessential travel because of the coronavirus.

Although the remaining 87% have no guarantee that they will remain in the U.S. indefinitely, they will be released into the U.S., allowed to travel to their destination, and begin the process of immigration proceedings - which can take years to conclude.

According to Axios, the White House continued to defy the facts stating, “Our policy remains that families are expelled, and in situations where expulsion is not possible due to Mexico’s inability to receive the families, they are placed into removal proceedings.” Concluding with, “One week of statistics doesn’t reflect the full picture.”

For those aliens who are not returned at the border, some are transferred to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which recently signed a contract to provide hotel rooms for migrant families. Some are released at bus stops or local nongovernmental organizations. And as reported earlier this week, some who crossed in the Rio Grande Valley sector are released without a Notice to Appear.

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