Biden's Approval On Immigration Slips Drastically Over Past Few Months


According to a recent Morning Consult poll for Politico, which surveyed 1,997 registered voters, Biden’s immigration policies have slipped 17 points in public opinion since April of this year. The August 28-30 poll showed Biden receiving 55% opposition and just 36% support for his immigration agenda. In April of this year, Biden received 45% opposition and 43% support.

The September Politico poll found that only 8% of independent voters still strongly support President Biden’s immigration policies. 40% of independent voters now strongly oppose those policies, 19% “somewhat” oppose, and a slimming 14% have no opinion.

Additionally, 31% of respondents who considered themselves Hispanic strongly oppose Biden’s immigration agenda - while only 19% strongly support them.

The Politico poll was by no means an outlier either, as several other high-profile August polls backed up its finding on Biden’s disastrous immigration agenda.

An August 18-23 USA Today poll by Suffolk University of 1,000 registered voters found that only 25% of Americans approve of Biden’s immigration policies, while 62% oppose them.

An August 28-31 YouGov poll for The Economist of 1,500 citizens found just 11% of Americans gave “strong” approval to Biden on immigration - 39% voiced “strong” opposition to the President’s agenda. The poll found that Biden’s immigration policies received just 5% “strong” support among independent voters and 46% “strong” disapproval.

Perhaps most shockingly, An August 28-31 Civiqs survey for the progressive Daily Kos of 1,271 registered voters asked, “We are going to ask about some of the things that President Biden and Democrats in Congress have done this year … Signing executive actions to reverse former President Trump’s immigration and border policies. Do you approve, disapprove, or is it something you do not care about?” 44% approved reversing Trump’s policies, but 50% disapproved.

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