CDC: Border Detention Facilities Allowed to Operate at 100% Despite Growing Border/Public-Health Concerns


In what can only be seen as another attempt to pull the veil further over the eyes of the American people and hide the administration’s failings when it comes to the imminent border surge, the Biden administration is now thinking about changing the name of the alien detention facilities decried as ‘cages’ and ‘concentration camps’ through the previous administration. According to sources familiar with the decision, these facilities may now be known as “reception centers.”

In particular, according to the Washington Times, one official said the new name would mark the Biden administration's intention to use the "reception centers" not for holding people in custody, but for serving as sending-off points for releasing migrants into the United States. The source concluded:

These facilities are going up, but they're being utilized differently. The direction is very clear. Release [the aliens] as fast as possible. If you can’t receive [aliens] from a Border Patrol station, then release them right there, do it. If that area gets overcrowded, they're giving instruction to ICE to then bus them further into the interior of the United States.

Nevertheless, The Centers for Disease Control is now allowing detention facilities at the border responsible for handling alien minors who crossed illegally into the U.S. to expand to full capacity, abandoning the health requirement that they stay near 50% to inhibit the spread of the coronavirus, Axios reports.

Some have hypothesized that the CDC’s abrupt changes to national health protocols point to a situation at the border already much worse than it may appear to the majority of the Nation.

A draft memo obtained by Axios conceded "facilities should plan for and expect to have COVID-19 cases" and attempts to stem the rightful indignation caused by lax border security and a lack of commitment to immigration enforcement by erroneously stating that there "is no 0% risk scenario."

Also, the memo, drafted on CDC letterhead and set for imminent delivery, said the "only available options" for housing minors who cross the border without their parents are "prolonged stays at [Customs & Border Protection] facilities operating significantly above COVID-19 capacities."

The other alternative proposed by the administration is increasing capacity at other shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services above what their own coronavirus protocols allow.

The memo also comes amid a ferocious national debate over whether and when to reopen schools.

While it states in its opening paragraph that children have been less affected by the coronavirus than adults, the memo clarifies its recommendations are only in response to rising numbers of migrants and do not apply to citizen minors in group settings.

For more on the Biden Administration’s “reception centers,” please click here.

For more on the CDC’s memo, please click here.