Congressman Gosar Requests Suspension of Additional Foreign Workers


Congressman Gosar recently sent a letter to President Trump, Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Secretary of Labor Gene Scalia urging critical consideration of the additional suspension of the H-1B, H4, L1, B1, B2, OPT Program, and further guestworker admissions in order to promote wages and fair opportunities for American workers during this period of rising unemployment and job uncertainty.

Congressman Gosar included the various secretaries as section 6 of President Trump’s “Proclamation Suspending Entry of Immigrants Who Present Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the COVID-19 Outbreak” requires these secretaries to recommend additional measures to “ensure the prioritization, hiring, and employment of United States workers.”

Rep. Gosar also released the following statement:

At a time when more than 26 million Americans are out of work due to COVID-19, the very last thing we should be doing is authorizing additional foreign labor. President Trump’s proclamation is a solid step to ensure we put American workers first, but the Secretaries must recommend the suspension of additional guestworker visas and programs that undercut the American workforce. There has never been a better time to truly put America first.

Click here to read Rep. Gosar's letter in full.

On Tuesday's airing of "The Story" on Fox News, Acting Secretary Chad Wolf promised that there will be “additional steps” on President Trump’s immigration restriction and that the department will present “recommendations for additional steps” to the president. Wolf stated,

This is a first step, as you indicated. I think you’ll see additional steps. And in that executive order that the president issued yesterday, it actually directs the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the Department of Labor to look at these non-immigrant, or temporary visa programs and come back to him with recommendations. And that’s something that the department has been looking at for the past several months. So, we’re well underway, and look forward to presenting to the president those recommendations for additional steps.