Court Filing: Biden Admin. Has Released Approx. 1.05M Illegal Aliens from Border into US


According to the latest Biden Admin. legal disclosure in Biden vs. Texas, DHS released 95,318 illegal aliens encountered at the southern border in May. These new numbers bring the total illegal alien releases under the Biden Admin. to a staggering 1,049,532 (releasing approx. 2,115 illegal aliens per day)- a total larger than the population of Delaware.

Art Arthur, a former immigration judge and current ​​Resident Fellow in Law and Policy at the Center for Immigration Studies, explained the background of Biden vs. Texas in a recent blog. He stated:

Briefly, Texas is a suit brought by the states of Texas and Missouri in April 2021 to challenge the Biden administration's suspension of the Trump-era Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP, better known as "Remain in Mexico"). The matter was assigned to Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

On June 1, while that case was pending, Mayorkas issued a memo terminating MPP. That termination decision was rolled into the pending case brought by the states.

On August 13, Judge Kacsmaryk issued an order enjoining Mayorkas's termination of MPP. To ensure compliance with that order, the court required DHS to report monthly on the number of CBP encounters at the Southwest border, the number of aliens expelled pursuant to public-health orders issued by CDC under Title 42 of the U.S. Code in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the number released into the United States.

The latest disclosure was filed on June 15, reflecting DHS activity through the end of May. By my count, it is the eleventh such disclosure, including a supplemental one filed on September 23.

The June 15 disclosure reported that DHS encountered 239,416 illegal aliens in May. Of that, nearly 100,700 aliens were expelled under Title 42, 13,755 aliens were removed under the Immigration and Nationality Act, and another 2,696 aliens were removed via expedited removal or voluntary return - meaning just 117,150 of the 239,416 illegal crossers in May were removed.

To make matters worse, the recent disclosure also reveals that while Border Patrol detained more illegals than its detention capacity, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is still underutilizing its detention capacity by an average of 19.27% per day.

Arthur continues:

Next, the government breaks down the total number of "applicants for admission" DHS encountered. As calculated, this is the sum of illegal entrants Border Patrol apprehended and applicants for admission CBP officers at OFO deemed inadmissible at the Southwest border minus aliens expelled under Title 42.

In May, DHS recorded 138,717 such migrants/applicants for admission at the Southwest border. Of that number, CBP released 68,527 of them into the United States on an extremely limited authority known as "parole", despite the fact that section 235 of the INA mandates that each of those migrants be detained.

[Those] 68,527 aliens who were released on parole weren't the only migrants whom DHS released. An additional 9,946 were set free by ICE — 922 on bond, 4,598 on orders of recognizance, 162 on orders of supervision, and 4,264 on parole.

All together, DHS released 95,318 aliens from the border in May. According to data provided in other legal disclosures in Biden vs. Texas, the Biden Admin. has now released 1,049,532 aliens from the border since Jan. 2020. For context, that 1.05 million aliens released since Biden took office is larger than the population of Austin, Texas (1,028,220), or more than the sum of aliens apprehended at the border between FY07 and FY20 (1,002,351).

"And yet it gets worse," Arthur explains.

According to his analysis, the 1,049,532 released illegals exclude two other vast groups of migrants "released" into the United States - alien got-aways and unaccompanied alien children.

According to Fox News, there were 440,000 got-aways thus far in FY 2022, with an additional 400,000 in FY 2021. In addition, the Biden Admin. has also released 190,053 unaccompanied alien children in those two years.

Arthur concludes his analysis with a prediction emphasizing the dire nature of Biden's open borders and uncontrolled mass immigration:

Nothing's Going to Change Anytime Soon. Not to be a downer, but none of this is going to change anytime soon. You should be prepared for longer commutes, larger class sizes, more extended waits in your local emergency room, higher state and local taxes, even more inflated housing costs, and an ever-increasing amount of CO2. President Biden's not going to change his border policies, unless and until the courts or the electorate force him to.

You can read Arthur's complete analysis at the Center for Immigration Studies website.