DHS Sec. Nielsen: Border Patrol Likely to Apprehend 100,000 Illegal Aliens at Southern Border in March


Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen spoke at George Washington University on Monday. She told the audience there that Border Patrol was on pace to apprehend 100,000 illegal aliens at the southern border during the month of March.

Border Patrol apprehended a total of about 396,000 illegal aliens in the entire FY2018.

“I want to cut through the politics to tell you loud and clear: There is no ‘manufactured’ crisis at our southern border. There is a real-life humanitarian and security catastrophe,” Nielsen plans to say in her annual State of Homeland Security address Monday at George Washington University in Washington, according to prepared remarks.

For several years, many politicians and reporters have said that illegal immigration is at “historic lows” while ignoring the fact that illegal immigration surged beginning in 2014 and is now approaching the highest level seen in two decides, with many more illegal aliens making credible fear claims. Due to overcrowding and court backlogs, thousands of illegal aliens are being released into the interior of the United States with a summons to appear in court at a later date.

The Washington Post reporter Nick Miroff this week pointed out that the media narrative does not reflect the actual situation at the border, and his colleague David Nakamura just published a story detailing how President Trump’s claim that there is a crisis at the border is not unfounded.

"Democrats struggle to address rising border apprehensions as they struggle to counter Trump on Immigration,"

The Washington Post, March 21, 2019

Secretary Nielsen said Monday, “The system is breaking, and our communities, our law enforcement personnel, and the migrants themselves are paying the price.”

Read more at Bloomberg and The Daily Caller.