DHS Secretary Kelly Reconsiders H-2B Visa Increase


According to DHS spokesman, David Lapan, DHS Secretary John Kelly has not made a decision to increase H-2B visas. This is a slight back track from the DHS Secretary’s initial statement on May 25, where he said he would likely grant the increase.

“He has not yet made any determination,” David Lapan said, adding that “there is no timeline.”

Lapan also said that Kelly’s deputies have not even met with their counterparts at the Dept. of Labor to begin the expansion process.

In the latest omnibus spending bill, Congress granted authority to DHS to more than double the number of H-2B visas. The provision granted Kelly the ability to approve 70,000 additional H-2B visas over the current cap of 66,000.

This turnaround comes after NumberUSA sent a letter to DHS Secretary Kelly asking him not to use the authorization to increase the visas.

A bipartisan group of 4 senators also sent a letter to Kelly and Labor Secretary Alex Acosta also asking them not to authorize the increase.

Read more on this story at Breitbart.com.

H-2B visas
Unnecessary Worker Visas
Low-skilled Americans