Florida Legislature Clears Anti-Sanctuary Bill


Yesterday, the Florida state legislature passed SB 168, a bill that would prohibit local governments from adopting illegal-alien sanctuary policies and ensure that criminal aliens are not released into local communities. It now heads to Gov. Ron DeSantis, who had asked the legislature to pass anti-sanctuary legislation.

SB 168 requires state and local law enforcement officials to honor ICE “immigration detainers,” which request the detainment of a criminal alien for pick up and eventual deportation. It also requires the state and its local government to “use best efforts to support the enforcement of federal immigration law” and bans restrictions on a law enforcement official’s ability to inquire about a person’s immigration status. 

Passage was anything but certain with the House and Senate trading different versions of the bill and Democratic attempts to bury the legislation under a flurry of amendments. But in the end the bill passed in the House 68-45 and the Senate 22-18.

Gov. DeSantis, who campaigned on banning sanctuary cities, thanked the legislature for delivering. In a statement, he said, “Earlier this year, I asked the Florida Legislature to present me with a bill this session that upholds the rule of law and addresses sanctuary cities and counties in Florida. We are a stronger state when we protect our residents, foster safe communities and respect the work of law enforcement at every level. Local law enforcement agencies can and should work with the federal government to ensure that accountability and justice are one in our state."

The American Civil Liberties Union had issued a travel warning to steer “immigrants” away from Florida if the legislation passed but the measure is designed to cause only illegal alien criminals to worry.

Read more in the Miami Herald.