GOP Reps Urge Senate To Oppose Tillis/Sinema Amnesty Framework


Six Republican House members have sent a letter to their colleagues in the Senate urging them to oppose a possible amnesty framework, according to reporting by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Sens. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) are in the initial stages of weighing a plan to grant amnesty for enrollees in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as part of a “border security bill” during a lame duck session.

However, the Daily Caller reports that six House Republicans, including Chip Roy of Texas and Andy Biggs of Arizona, have signed onto a letter arguing that with record illegal migration, now is not the time to be floating such a sweeping decision.

Since his inauguration, President Biden has urged Congress to pass a sweeping immigration bill to grant citizenship to DACA recipients after the White House met repeated dead-ends in attempting to do so itself. The Biden administration also codified the program as a federal regulation in October when a federal judge declared it unconstitutional.

In the letter, House Republicans make the logical argument that there should be no action for protecting illegal aliens, or encouraging more illegal migration, until there is an end to the Biden border crisis.

U.S. CBP has recorded a record-setting 2.3 million migrants in fiscal year 2022, and with the public health order Title 42 set to end in a week, the historic surge is expected to get worse.

The six House Republicans wrote,

To couple amnesty with policies disguised as border security that will only provide for processing more migrants is undeniably foolish. Worse, current discussions of providing a mere extension of Title 42 authority – a limited tool based on halting communicable disease, is in jeopardy in the courts, and which the Biden Administration chooses not to enforce fully anyway – along with funding for more processing centers, and more personnel will simply accelerate this crisis.

To discuss a permanent amnesty for temporary band aids is a twin catastrophe. The worst thing we could do is attract more people for the cartels to prey upon.

The letter referenced a delegation of dozens of Republican Texas House lawmakers’ plan introduced last week to secure the border that focuses on slowing the flow of illegal migration.

The letter concludes,

The Texas delegation – which knows the border intimately – came together last week as a group and introduced exactly this plan, and many of our fellow border state colleagues have bills that will accomplish these goals as well.

Yet, news accounts – and statements by certain Senators – indicate there are Senate discussions about a ‘framework’ that will not do these things, and will instead provide, effectively, more funding for processing and a pathway to citizenship for millions of people who broke our laws. Doing so will only attract more flow, not less – risking more deaths, more sex trafficking, more empowerment of cartels, more fentanyl poisonings, and more destruction of American life and property. It defies logic to pursue such a path if the goal is securing our border and preventing more illegal immigration.

You can read the full story here.