GOP/DEM Members Plan Meeting with Senate Parliamentarian to Discuss Amnesty in Bud. Rec. Package


Today, the Senate Parliamentarian is expected to meet with GOP and Democrat officials to hear arguments over whether Democrats can include the nation's largest amnesty in the partisan $3,500,000,000,000 budget reconciliation package.

By no means is the Parliamentarian expected to make a decision today. Please be careful navigating the inevitable narrative built in the media following today's meeting.

The two parties' arguments come as both the House and Senate prepare to return to Washington next week and begin what should be the arduous committee process of assembling the incomprehensibly massive Budget Reconciliation bill, which Democrats hope to pass solely along party lines.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer gave the Senate Committees the soft deadline of Sept. 15th to finish their section of the Budget Reconciliation package. The Senate Judiciary Committee, comprising 11 Democrats and 11 Republicans, is taking the lead on the immigration aspects of the bill.

The Democrat's proposed amnesty is expected to cover at least 8,000,000 illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S., again passing it along a 50/50 vote. However, Senate Democrats still need to convince the Parliamentarian, a former federal immigration lawyer, that the massive amnesty satisfies Senate budget requirements.

According to Politico, "The Parliamentarian has ruled against Democratic priorities before. Earlier this year, she rejected the party's proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill."

Some news organizations have reported that Democrats hold the likeness of a silver precedent bullet when it comes to adding amnesty to a Budget Reconciliation bill, pointing to a 2005 provision approved by the then Parliamentarian regarding the recapture of unused green cards.

It shouldn't need to be said, but equating the recapture of unused green cards to providing citizenship to approximately 8 million illegal aliens is a little too far of a jump to make.

For the complete story, please visit Politico.