Gov. Abbott tasks AG to Investigate NGOs for Aiding Illegal Aliens


On Wednesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott asked the state Attorney General Ken Paxton to launch investigations into non-governmental organizations that may be providing aid to illegal aliens unlawfully crossing the border.

Gov. Abbott wrote in a letter to the AG,

There have been reports that non-governmental organizations (NGOs) may have assisted with illegal border crossings near El Paso. We further understand NGOs may be engaged in unlawfully orchestrating other border crossings through activities on both sides of the border, including in sectors other than El Paso.

In light of these reports, I am calling on the Texas Attorney General's Office to initiate an investigation into the role of NGOs in planning and facilitating the illegal transportation of illegal immigrants across our borders.

The governor's letter was sent just one day after a mass alien crossing in El Paso, Texas. During this surge, roughly 1,000 aliens illegally entered the U.S. in a caravan of almost 20 commercial buses.

Just The News reports,

Texas officials have excoriated the Biden administration for an alleged unwillingness to enforce immigration law at the southern border and have attempted to act independently of Washington to stem the tide of asylum seekers entering the country. Abbott himself formally declared an "invasion" in November and invoked constitutional powers to handle the situation.

"I invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. & Texas Constitutions to fully authorize Texas to take unprecedented measures to defend our state against an invasion," Gov. Abbott said at the time. "I'm using that constitutional authority, & other authorization & Executive Orders to keep our state & country safe."

You can read the full article here.