House Passes H.R. 1333, the No BAN Act, and H.R. 1573, the Access to Counsel Act.


The House of Representatives has voted on and passed two immigration bills: H.R. 1333, the No BAN Act, and H.R. 1573, the Access to Counsel Act.

The No BAN Act, H.R. 1333, introduced by Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) would make it increasingly more difficult for the president to suspend immigration for certain classes of individuals where the suspension would serve in the national interest.

It was under this authority that Pres. Trump was able to suspend the entry of travelers from certain regions of the world at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. The No BAN Act would not only prevent the president from taking swift action hindering their ability to protect the national interest and quality of life for American citizens.

The No BAN Act passed by a vote of 218-208 with three Representatives not voting. The bill passed almost solely along party lines with all Democrats voting Yea, 208 Republicans voting Nay, and three Republicans not voting. One Republican Congressman, Brian Fitzpatrick (Penn. 1) joined Democrats in voting for the measure.

In addition, the Access to Counsel Act, H.R. 1573, introduced by Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), would require that individuals referred for secondary inspection by a CBP officer at a port of entry are given access to counsel. This would affect more than 10 million individuals each year.

By allowing access to counsel, it would slow down traffic at ports of entry, including airports, and individuals who would rightfully be turned away would inevitably find a way to enter the country.

The Access to Counsel Act passed by a vote of 217-207 with five Representatives not voting. The bill passed solely along party lines with all Democrats voting Yea, 207 Republicans voting Nay, and five Republicans not voting.

For the roll call vote on H.R. 1333, please click here.

For the roll call vote on H.R. 1573, please click here.