Koch Group and Mass Amnesty Advocate Lobbied Trump on DACA in White House Meeting Before Telemundo Interview


A spokesperson for the pro-mass immigration Koch brothers’ network and an advocate for mass amnesty attended a White House meeting last week where President Trump was lobbied to allow illegal aliens to remain permanently in the United States.

Although The White House has not yet pointed to any specific plan regarding DACA amnesty; Trump caught Americans off guard when he told Telemundo on July 10 that he was planning to give a “road to citizenship” to about 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The day before Trump’s comments, he met with a roundtable of Hispanic executives — including Daniel Garza of the Koch-funded Libre Initiative and Mario Rodriguez of Hispanic 100. At the meeting, Trump was once again encouraged to strike a deal on DACA before the presidential election.

Rodriguez, a longtime advocate of amnesty for illegal aliens, spoke directly to Trump at the roundtable meeting about providing some form of amnesty to DACA illegal aliens. Garza confirmed he also had a phone call with Trump the month before. The Libre Initiative, along with the Kochs’ network of donor-funded organizations, have sought to pass a DACA amnesty through the House and Senate for the last three years. These groups' latest efforts included lobbying the Trump administration not to reduce the inflow of foreign workers, even as 35 million Americans remain jobless or underemployed.

“I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve tried to do for these DACA recipients. You put something on the table that was very fair. And what was really disappointing is that the Democrats are using these young adults as political pawns, and that’s just totally unacceptable in this country,” Rodriguez stated to the President.

In response, Trump told Rodriguez that he would “take care” of DACA illegal aliens.

“They’re not going to have anything to worry about. But we did have a deal on DACA, and the Democrats decided not to make the deal," the President responded.

A DACA amnesty would put more citizen children of illegal aliens — commonly referred to as “anchor babies” — on federal welfare, as Breitbart News reported, while American taxpayers would be left potentially with a $26 billion bill.

Beyond that, as noted through historical precedent, a DACA amnesty has the potential to trigger a border surge that could dramatically increase the number of illegal aliens coming through the southern border.

For the full story, please visit Breitbart News.