Despite a swath of protests across the country, the majority of registered voters support keeping Immigration and Customs Enforcement according to a new poll conducted by Politico and Morning Consult. The poll found that 54% of registered voters support keeping ICE, while only 25% support getting rid of ICE.
The poll also found that only 26% of registered voters would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports getting rid of ICE, while 57% of registered votes say they would be less likely to support a candidate or that it would have no impact on their voting decisions if the candidate supports getting rid of ICE .
A plurality of registered voters who identify as Democrats support getting rid of ICE (43-34%), but majorities of both Republican (79%) and Independent (54%) voters support keeping ICE. The majority of American voters over the age of 30 support keeping ICE. Only among 18-29 year olds is there more support for getting rid of ICE, but by a small margin -- 39-33%.
You can view the poll's toplines here.