Md. Sheriff: Weakened Immigration Enforcement Caused Rise in Alien Gangs, 'Senseless Crimes'


Sheriff Charles Jenkins of Frederick County, Md. told a House panel that “(o)pen borders, reckless sanctuary policies, and failure to enforce our immigration laws have greatly impacted public safety and national security throughout every jurisdiction of this country. He linked the surge in unaccompanied alien minors crossing the border to a rise in alien gang crime, including attempted murder, armed robbery and the rape and sexual assault of children.

“Every single day, more Americans are becoming victims of senseless crimes, being injured and killed by criminal aliens, many are transnational gang members,” Sheriff Jenkins testified. ““In effect, criminal aliens that should have been deported have been allowed to remain and commit more serious crimes becoming violent offenders.”

Sheriff Jenkins set up a 287(g) agreement with the Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau, which helped to deport criminal aliens from his rural county, but it was weakened under the Obama Administration. Now Frederick County is experiencing a rise in alien gang activity. “The criminal alien gang numbers are growing, and the serious crimes being committed are increasing,” he said. “There is also a nexus between the deferred action on unaccompanied minors and the increases we are seeing in gang crimes.”

Sheriff Jenkins testified, “Of the 52 validated criminal alien gang members identified since the inception of the 287(g) Program in 2008, 25 of the 52 (48%), were identified since late 2014. 18 of the 25 (72%) gang members encountered since 2014 have been charged with felonies. 7 of 11 (64%) of the criminal alien gang members encountered in 2015 were unaccompanied juveniles when they entered the U.S and eventually located to Frederick County, Maryland. Now they are adults committing serious felonies. Crimes committed include: 5 occurrences Attempted 1st and 2nd Degree Murder, Armed Robbery, 1st Degree Assault, Home Invasion, Armed Carjacking, Kidnapping…In 2014, 8 criminal aliens charged with rape and sexual assault of children ages 5-14, with two of the girls impregnated.”

Sheriff Jenkins was joined in testimony by the family members of illegal-alien crime victims. Michelle Root’s daughter Sarah was killed by an illegal alien who was drag racing while drunk. The amount set for his bail was “less than the amount it cost to bury” her daughter. He absconded and is believed to have returned to Honduras. Laura Wilkerson’s son Joshua was brutally beaten and strangled, moved to another location and, after the illegal alien bought gas, set on fire.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., who chaired the hearing, said “The American public has been misled by the 'enforcement priorities', 'deferred action', and 'executive action' policies of this Administration, which categorize only certain quote, unquote 'serious' criminal aliens as worthy of immigration enforcement…Americans deserve to know why this Administration would release thousands upon thousands of criminal aliens from DHS custody…(A)fter their release… criminal aliens went on to commit 124 homicide-related offenses between 2010 and 2014.  Those released in 2014 alone committed 1,423 additional crimes after their release from custody, including vehicular homicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, and driving under the influence of alcohol. At least 95% of convicted criminal aliens known to DHS are not detained. How does that policy protect the American people?”

Read more in the Washington Examiner and The Washington Times.

border control
National Security
border surge
Interior Enforcement
sanctuary cities