50 Suspected Terrorists Arrested after Illegally Crossing the Southern Border in FY22


According to numbers recently released by Customs and Border Protection, migrants on the terror watch list arrested attempting to cross the southern border illegally in Fiscal Year 2022 have already passed the number caught in nearly the past half-decade.

In FY22, there have been 50 apprehensions of aliens on the Terrorist Screening Database at the U.S./Mexico border between ports of entry. That total is compared to the 15 aliens on the list apprehended in FY21. Additionally, there were 3 in FY20, 0 in FY19, 6 in FY18, and 2 in FY17.

That means the number of migrants on the terror watch list apprehended attempting to sneak into the country has already surpassed the previous five-year total by 24 apprehensions, nearly double.

When migrants found to be on the terror watch list and apprehended at a port of entry are included, the total number of terrorists apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. in FY22 (so far) jumps to a staggering 192. That's compared to 157 in FY21, 196 in FY 20, 538 in FY19, 351 in FY 18, and 333 in FY17.

Fox News reports,

A high-level CBP source told Fox News that there have been 440,000 known gotaways since the fiscal year began in October -- with over 50,000 in May alone. Combined with the 400,000 known gotaways since the beginning of FY 2021, that means that more than 800,000 illegal immigrants have gotten past agents since October 2020 -- more than the entire population of Seattle.

"And numbers could rise further," Mayorkas said. "From confusion over recent court orders and as smuggle continue to peddle misinformation to make a profit: we are prepared."

You can read the full article here.