NumbersUSA to score against NDAA


NumbersUSA has informed House Members that it will score against H.R. 2500, the National Defense Authorization Act, because of provisions within the bill, and potential amendments, that would weaken immigration enforcement efforts at the border.

The following was sent to Members of Congress earlier this morning:

NumbersUSA will Score Against the NDAA (HR 2500) and Certain Amendments

NumbersUSA generally only scores immigration legislation. However, since the House Armed Services Committee decided to insert immigration into the National Defense Authorization Act, we are forced to score against this bill.

The underlying bill restricts the Administration’s ability to effectively secure the border and end the ongoing humanitarian crisis by restricting the use of DOD funds and personnel to assist the Department of Homeland Security. Ironically, DOD’s assistance wouldn’t be necessary if Congress would fix the loopholes in immigration law and adequately fund DHS to end the crisis. Additionally, it is absurd that the bill restricts the ability of DOD to assist DHS in providing housing to accommodate the surge of families, forcing overcrowded conditions and deepening the humanitarian crisis.

It’s time for Congress to start providing solutions, not continue to be the problem.

Vote NO on HR 2500

We also oppose the following amendments which further restrict the Administration’s ability to mitigate the border crisis in the absence of effective Congressional action-

Vote NO on:
Amendment 138 (Escobar #328)
Amendment 428 (Garcia #312)
Amendment 429 (Ocasio-Cortez #322)
Amendment 430 (Ocasio-Cortez #333)
Amendment 437 (Thompson #652)