OMB Approves H-2A Rule Permitting Online Job Listings Over Newspaper ads


The White House Office of Management and Budget on Friday cleared a final rule to lift a requirement that farmers seeking foreign guest workers must first advertise open positions in newspapers.

Under the revision, businesses would instead be required to list the jobs online for 14 consecutive days before soliciting workers from the H-2A foreign guest-worker program. The Department of Labor in June sent the rule to OMB for review.

The proposal is intended to make it easier for producers to hire farmworkers
. It's one of a series of rules written by the Trump administration aiming to modernize the H-2A program.

Farmers are increasingly relying on the H-2A program to fill chronically empty agricultural jobs. In 2018, U.S. farmers hired more than 242,700 temporary workers through the guest-worker program, a 21 percent increase over the previous year, according to the Labor Department.

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