Over 100 Illegal Aliens Released into Texas have Tested Positive for Covid-19


Over 100 illegal aliens released by Border Patrol into Texas since late Jan. have tested positive for coronavirus, this information comes from just one Texas border town, reports FOX News.

Felipe Romero, a spokesman for Brownsville, said today that the 108 positives represent 6.3% of the number of total illegal aliens who have been rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station, where they are being released by Border Patrol. The local county-wide positivity rate is estimated to be 13.8%.

The city reports that rapid testing of the migrants began at that location on Jan. 25. Romero added the shocking fact that Brownsville does not have the authority to prevent those who test positive from traveling elsewhere in the U.S.

According to FOX News, sources at the White House said it is aware of instances where individuals may continue to travel despite testing positive and being told to quarantine, but testing near the border is being handled by state and local governments and NGOs and the federal guidance remains for migrants who test positive to isolate.

Noticias Telemundo Investiga spoke to some of the alien families who tested positive at the bus station in Brownsville, several of whom said they were expecting to travel to places like Maryland and New Jersey.

One 29-year-old who brought her 3-year-old from Honduras to the U.S. illegally stated, “On the way, we were wearing a mask all the time, gel, washing our hands. Really, I don't feel anything." She added that she had already purchased bus tickets to North Carolina.

Another 35-year-old alien from Honduras who also tested positive told NTI that she planned to travel by bus to Houston.

An anonymous worker at a bus company that operates out of the Brownsville station told NTI that employees cannot ask passengers for proof of coronavirus test results before boarding.

For the complete article, please visit FOX News.