Poll: Voters Dissatisfied with Immigration System Before Midterms


A recent poll was conducted by CBS News/YouGov of registered voters in so-called "battleground" Congressional Districts, or midterm elections for seats in the House of Representatives that the pollsters identified as "competitive" or "likely competitive."

Among the questions asked were:

"In recent years, has immigration and the arrival of new immigrant groups changed the area
where you live, or not?"

48% of respondents said that immigration has changed the areas where they lived "a lot" or "some." 51% replied "not much" or "not at all."

Of the 48% who said recent immigration had resulted in change, a follow-up question was asked.

"In your opinion, has that change been for the better or for the worse?"

Just 17% answered that the changes had been better. 56% answered worse, and 27% answered neither.

A majority or a strong plurality said the change had been for the worse across all demographic groups, including young voters (37% to 28%), Black voters (45% to 17%), and Hispanic voters (44% to 28%).

Broken down by party affiliation, Democrats were about even split (32% to 33%), while Republicans (67% to 10%) and Independents (61% to 13%) strongly felt that the areas in which they lived had been made worse by recent immigration.

The CBS News/YouGov poll did not ask why the respondents felt this way. But, the answer is important in demonstrating that while Americans overwhelmingly support continued immigration, the current immigration system is unpopular with a large proportion of voters and dissatisfaction cuts across demographic and ideological lines.

Polling by NumbersUSA shows that much of this dissatisfaction could be due to the fact that most Americans want overall immigration levels reduced.

On other questions related to immigration, 51% of respondents said they want to hear candidates talk about immigration in the mid-terms, ranking immigration third behind healthcare (66%) and jobs and wages (58%).

Registered Democrats were specifically asked what issues they wanted candidates to focus on. "Legal status for DACA immigrants" ranked last among the four choices they were given.

The toplines can be found here.

For more on this story, see Breitbart.