Polls Reveal More Disapproval of Biden's Handling on Immigration


According to new polling, Americans disapprove of how the Biden Administration is responding to the surge of alien minors and adults illegally crossing over the U.S.-Mexico border.

The results of a recent Associated Press-NORC survey show that just 43% of adults approve of Biden’s handling of the border and other immigration issues, this is compared to 54% of adults who disapprove of the President’s job so far.

Separately, a nationwide Harvard-Harris poll found that 80% of registered voters think the “current surge in illegal immigrants at the border” constitutes a crisis that needs to be addressed immediately, compared to just 20% of registered voters who think the immigration system can handle it.

“Four in five people said illegal immigration, which includes both unlawful entry into the country at the border and visa overstays, is a “serious” issue for the country right now, compared to 20% who said it was not too serious or not serious at all,” reports the Washington Examiner on the Harvard-Harris results.

In addition, despite the Biden Administration's continued efforts to blame the previous administration for the current immigration crisis, 59% of registered voters said the “flood” of children is the Biden administration’s fault, not the Trump administration's. Plus, nearly two in three people think Biden’s policies on immigration have encouraged more immigration.

In the same survey, Trump’s now-ended Remain In Mexico program, which returned aliens caught crossing the border to Mexico to await their court date, garnered 68% support despite the program's cancelation by the Biden Administration.

“The survey was conducted among 1,872 registered voters by the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University and The Harris Poll.

The AP-NORC poll included 1,842 adults who were primarily surveyed online and had a 3.2 point margin of error. Forty-six percent of respondents were Democrats, 37% were Republicans, 17% were independent, and the remainder declined to answer or did not affiliate with a party.”

For the full story, please visit the Washington Examiner.