Polls: What are Americans Saying About the Immigration Crisis - More Enforcement!


According to a national Politico/Morning Consult released this week, the number of Americans supporting a pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens in the United States has dropped, even among Democrats, since the beginning of the year.

Around the time of Biden’s inauguration, approximately 57% of the nation supported creating pathways to citizenship for the millions of illegal aliens already residing in the country; now, the same Politico/Morning Consult poll is showing only 43% support for that idea, a drastic 14% drop in just two months.

A majority of Democrats, 57%, continue to support amnesty and pathways to citizenship for illegal aliens currently in the country, despite approximately 17 million Americans remaining unemployed due to the pandemic. But that number also represents a 15% drop since the beginning of Biden’s term, starting with 72% support amongst Democrats in January.

Additionally, the Politico/MC poll found that a whopping 84% of Americans believe that there is currently a “problem” with illegal immigration at the southern border, however, only 50% of the 1,994 registered voters responding chose to use the term “crisis” when describing that problem.

Finally, when the 1,994 respondents were asked “With Joe Biden as President, has the United States immigration system gotten better or worse than it had been previously, or has there been no change?” just 23% of respondents believed that the immigration system had gotten better under Joe Biden. When asked the same question, but about President Trump, 40% of respondents believed that the immigration system had gotten better.

Additionally, another major poll, recently released by the Senate Opportunity Fund, found that the American public is demanding a tougher approach to the illegal immigration crisis than Biden is taking.

The Senate Opportunity Fund survey polled 802 registered voters nationally, with an oversample of 417 voters in states considered contested in elections. Overwhelmingly, 71% to 19%, respondents said they want the administration to get tougher on illegal immigration, mainly by enforcing existing laws and ending magnets.

Unshockingly, support for President Trump’s Border Wall is also on the rise. A public bitterly divided over the idea first proposed during the 2016 campaign is now coming around to the former president’s approach, with 53% of the nation in support of the wall, reports the Washington Times. For comparison, while President Trump was in office, 55% of the nation opposed building a wall along the southern border, according to a 2019 survey from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Now, just 38% of the public is opposed to building a wall. And according to research by the Washington Times, “much of the change appears to be among those on the left. The Chicago Council poll (of 2019) showed 85% of Democrats opposed the wall, but the Senate Opportunity Fund (of 2021) found 63% of liberals opposed [the wall].”

And while the new administration tries desperately to place blame for the border crisis on the “gutted immigration system” left by the Trump Administration - Americans don't buy it. In the Senate Opportunity Fund survey, 59% of respondents blamed President Biden and just 28% exonerated him for the crisis at the southern border.

Finally, the Washington Times reports that a Reuters/Ipsos survey released last week found just 41% approved of Mr. Biden’s handling of immigration. And a Hill/HarrisX poll released this week found 76% of voters labeled the border situation a crisis.

Click here for the Politico/Morning Consult results.

Visit the Washington Times for the complete story on the Senate Opportunity Fund Survey.