Rasmussen Poll: Likely Voters Believe that Sanctuary Policies Make Their Communities Less Safe


Rasmussen Reports released a poll on Friday showing that a plurality of likely U.S. voters believe that sanctuary city polices make their communities less safe. 40% of likely voters said sanctuary policies make their communities less safe, whereas only 17% said that these policies make their communities more safe.

The poll also found that only 35% of likely voters would favor their community becoming a sanctuary for illegal aliens while a majority of voters would oppose it.

This poll comes just after ICE released its first Weekly Declined Detainer Outcome Report that showed that more than 200 ICE detainers were denied during the week of Jan. 28 – Feb. 3.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said yesterday that they will begin withholding federal funding from jurisdictions who refuse to enforce federal immigration laws.

Read more on the poll at Rasmussen Reports.

sanctuary cities
National Security