Report: Caravan Of Over 1,300 Central Americans En Route to U.S.


On March 25th, a caravan of about 1,350 Central American migrants started a trip from the City of Tapachula on the Mexico-Guatemala border to the United States. The journey is being organized by Pueblos Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders), although the migrants are responsible for their own food and water. The migrants plan to reach the U.S. border and either apply for asylum or slip away from the group to cross illegally.

According to TelesurTV, the migrants are demanding from Mexico and the United States, “open borders and asylum access, an end to deportations which destroy families, [and continuation of] vital migrant programs such as the Temporary Protected Status.”

BuzzFeed reports that, thus far, the migrants have crossed immigration checkpoints, military bases, and police without being stopped. Traveling under the banner "We are all Native Americans,” the group is comprised of children, newborns with their mothers, men, and women. One migrant said the caravan was his third attempt at getting to the United States. Mexican immigration officers pulled him off a bus the last two times.

Immigration-reduction groups had warned the Administration and Congress that discussions about amnesty without serious reforms could produce another surge. When this caravan reaches the border, the Trump administration will have to deal with a huge surge of people arriving simultaneously.

Read more in TelesurTV and BuzzFeed.