Report: ICE Released Almost 600 Asylum Seekers in El Paso


CBS’ El Paso, Texas affiliate reports ICE released about 400 alien parents and children in the two days before Christmas and another 186 on Christmas day. Most were dropped off near the local Greyhound bus station and eventually assisted by local charities. More are expected to be released today.

ICE said in a statement the mass release was mandated by a court order designed to ensure that migrant families are not detained more than 20 days.

The statement said, “After decades of inaction by Congress, the government remains severely constrained in its ability to detain and promptly remove families with no legal basis to remain in the U.S. To mitigate the risk of holding family units past the timeframe allotted to the government, ICE has curtailed reviews of post-release plans from families apprehended along the southwest border. ICE continues to work with local and state officials and NGO partners in the area so they are prepared to provide assistance with transportation or other services.”

In something of a mix-up, the initial releases on Sunday and Monday came without advance notice to local non-profits that assist migrants with food and shelter. That changed Tuesday so the charities were better prepared to respond.

Read more at CBS News.