SCOTUS Reinstates Remain in Mexico Policy


The Supreme Court reinstated Pres. Trump's Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) policy today after a lower court issued an injunction against the program last month. The MPP, more commonly known as the Remain in Mexico policy, has been the single most effective action taken by the Trump Administration to discourage surges along the Southern border.

The Remain in Mexico policy requires asylum seekers who attempt to enter the country at a port of entry or are apprehended after entering illegally to stay in Mexico until their claim can be heard by an immigration judge. There are approximately 60,000 asylum seekers currently in Mexico awaiting a decision.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issued the nationwide injunction a few weeks ago. The ruling was immediately appealed by the Trump Administration to the Supreme Court. If the injunction had been allowed to stand, not only would the 60,000 asylum seekers be allowed to enter the country, but it likely would have prompted another surge along the Southern border.

There are still other challenges to the policy, but for the meantime, today's ruling will allow the policy to remain in place.

For more information, see the National Review.