Sec. Mayorkas Announces Ever-So-Slightly Tougher Enforcement at Southern Border


In a surprising reversal, Biden's Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, announced plans to restart some of the border barrier construction projects started under former President Trump.

The Secretary stated that the "new" projects are directed at finishing technological improvements to sections where the barrier was built but where President Biden blocked the rest of the construction. Biden made ending border barrier construction a center point of his "humanitarian" immigration platform during the 2020 election.

In addition, DHS bowed to reality earlier this week, announcing that the department would expand the use of "expedited removal" for certain alien family units, standing in direct opposition to the Administration's stance on the border surge since it took power in January; and directly defying the disingenuous demands of open border advocates.

Less surprisingly, Texas Governor Greg Abbott continues to act as a bulwark against Biden's border crisis for Americans and already present immigrants in his state, despite the deterioration of the situation. This week, Abbott authorized the National Guard to arrest anyone involved in migrant smuggling along the Texas-Mexico border.

The Texas Governor stated:

By virtue of the power and authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, I hereby order that the Texas National Guard assist [the Department of Public Safety] in enforcing Texas law by arresting lawbreakers at the border.

The Washington Times adds context to the June border statistics: "In June, the Border Patrol made 173,483 apprehensions, the highest number in 21 years." The Times also points out that "nearly every other yardstick of security and safety" also shows signs of decay. USCBP has conducted over one million border apprehensions so far this fiscal year; Fentanyl seizures are up, meaning more is getting through, and deaths caused directly by illegal migration are on the rise.

Despite Sec. Mayorkas's recent implementation of stricter enforcement policies, the Sec. continues to mislead the American people and Congress with erroneous statements about how the border situation 'is not as bad as the apprehension numbers suggest.'

Additionally, in recent testimony to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Sec. Mayorkas refused to give an actual answer to a slew of questions from Senators on illegal alien pedophiles not being targeted by ICE as part of Biden's new limits on interior enforcement.

Senators asked about two cases, in particular, the first pertaining to a migrant who had been deported and had a conviction for sexually assaulting a child younger than 14; another case involved an alien convicted of indecency with a child younger than 5. In both instances, ICE officers were ordered NOT to make arrests, according to Senators.

Open-border activists appeared to experience a collective meltdown following the Secretary's announcement expanding "expedited removal" and continuing southern border barrier projects. One such group complained, "The Biden administration promised to restore the U.S. commitment to a fair, humane and functional immigration system," before coming to the risible conclusion - "You can't build back better if you're using a foundation laid by White supremacists."

For the complete article, please visit The Washington Times.