Supreme Court OK's Public Charge


The January 27, 5:4 decision is a big win for President Donald Trump and his populist advisers, partly because the court also slammed lower-court judges who impose nationwide rules in lawsuits that involve a few local plaintiffs, as reported by Breitbart News.

The decision allows the public charge rule to be applied while lower court judges hear arguments from advocates and critics. Eventually, the rule may be blocked by the judges, but it will operate for some time to exclude people — such as unskilled chain-migrants, or the elderly parents of migrants — who will likely use welfare or government-run healthcare programs.

The rule is also a win for Americans employees, whose wages are being suppressed, and housing costs are rising amid the business-backed inflow of roughly 1 million immigrant workers, consumers, and renters each year.

Democratic legislators denounced the win.

“This rule harms our children and families in communities across the country. It hurts our economy and the healthcare of so many Californians,” said a statement from California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra. “We are a nation of immigrants, so we will lean forward in the face of heartless attacks on working families.”

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