Survey USA Poll: More Than Half of All California Voters Are In Favor of Complying with ICE


A recent poll conducted by Survey USA for the Eyewitness News-Southern California News Group reveals that 54 percent of all California voters believe that state and local law enforcement should be permitted to assist ICE in arresting violent criminal illegal aliens, with only 11 percent in favor of 'sanctuary' policies.

The poll, which was conducted between March 22 and March 25 of 882 registered voters, also showed that only 25 percent of all California voters want California officials to block ICE from arresting illegal aliens for non-violent crimes, while 29 percent of all California voters are in favor of permitting state and local law enforcement to assist ICE in arresting non-violent criminal illegal aliens, and another 34 percent want officials just to stay out of ICE’s way. It also revealed that 39 percent of the state’s registered voters view building a wall on the southern border as a priority while 19 percent think it’s not a priority. Forty percent of voters think a wall is a "distraction."

The release of the poll comes the same week that Orange County and the City of Los Alamitos voted to join the Trump Administration’s effort to overturn California ‘sanctuary’ laws that block or interfere with federal immigration enforcement and the Orange County sheriff moved to facilitate the deportation work of ICE.

For more information on this story, see Los Angeles Daily News.