Tom Cotton unveils No Bailouts for Illegal Aliens Act


Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) proposed legislation that would block the federal government from giving taxpayer-funded stimulus money to states and cities that give coronavirus relief checks to illegal aliens.

Senator Cotton says it’s ridiculous to give taxpayer money to illegal immigrants who shouldn’t even be in the country in the first place when millions of unemployed Americans are lining up at food banks because they don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

We shouldn’t be spending hard-earned taxpayer dollars on illegal immigrants at a time when 35 million Americans are out of work,” Cotton said. “If we are going to be giving relief checks to those people who are out of work, we need to focus on American citizens, not illegal immigrants.”

Under Cotton’s No Bailouts for Illegal Aliens Act, states or cities must certify that illegal aliens are not receiving coronavirus relief checks or other payments if they want to receive federal bailouts. Those who refuse will not be eligible for funds from the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act).

The No Bailouts for Illegal Aliens Act amends the CARES Act to block federal funds from going to states or cities until they certify they aren’t issuing stimulus checks or other payments to illegal immigrants.

Congress passed the CARES Act to help workers impacted by the China virus pandemic — not to give a handout to those who broke our immigration laws,” Senator Cotton said. “The federal government shouldn’t be subsidizing states’ efforts to send cash to illegal aliens.” Cotton said he introduced the legislation after learning that “yesterday, undocumented immigrants in California were able to begin filing for financial assistance in the wake of the China Virus pandemic.”

The No Bailouts for Illegal Aliens Act will not affect Paycheck Protection Program loans offered under the CARES Act to companies and nonprofit organizations. It also will not affect the unemployment provisions or the relief checks offered to Americans under the CARES Act.

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