Twitter Suspends U.S. Border Chief For Celebrating Recent Successes in Border Security


On Wednesday, Twitter suspended the account of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan for a post celebrating the success of several new security installations at the U.S. southern border, keeping criminals and smugglers from reaching American communities.

“According to screenshots shared exclusively with The Federalist, Twitter locked Morgan’s account Wednesday afternoon for apparently violating platform rules governing ‘hateful conduct’” after the commissioner tweeted about the recent successes in the field of border security.

Twitter released an email attempting to explain their suspension stating,

You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.

Even up to the last couple of days, the commissioner had been free to publish content on Twitter touting the accomplishments of border agents keeping Americans safe. Twitter officials have not cleared up what has recently changed in their site’s enforcement that resulted in the shutdown of Morgan’s account.

Twitter, Morgan said, blocked the post anyway and reprimanded the commissioner without consulting with the Department of Homeland Security to discuss the positives, life-saving aspects of border security.

The Federalist reported:

“I’m sure somebody on that Twitter team has heard that everyone that illegally enters are just good people looking for a better way of life,” Morgan said, emphasizing that the company’s suspension ultimately harms the American people... “The American people ultimately don’t get to hear the truth because someone at Twitter, based on their own ideology, pushed a button to prevent the truth from coming out.”

A spokesperson for Twitter told The Federalist Thursday afternoon that the decision to lock Morgan’s account was “reversed after further evaluation.”

For the complete article, please visit the Federalist.