Under Biden's DHS, ICE Targets 75% Fewer Criminal Aliens


Joe Biden’s new rules imposed on Immigration and Customs Enforcement to reduce arrests and deportations of illegal aliens have slashed the department’s targeting of criminal aliens by 75%. Law enforcement information and immigration officials alike both comment on the danger this poses to communities these criminal aliens are being released in.

Detainers issued to local jails by ICE have dropped from over 10,000 a month to just 2,500 according to data obtained by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich. As a result, the AG said, thousands of criminal illegal immigrants who would have been targeted for deportation are now being set free in cities around the nation.

In addition, a senior ICE official called the change dangerous to local communities in a deposition with the Arizona AG, reports the Washington Examiner. These depositions include Albert Carter, who served as the acting Phoenix Field Office Director for ICE.

According to the Washington Examiner, “Carter said the cut in detainers hurts local security and was not done because of a lack of resources, one reason given by Biden’s team for the change in policy.” The Examiner added:

Brnovich’s office shared with Secrets two excerpts from the recent deposition. The first focused on the danger of those ICE targets with detainers.

Question: OK. Is the mission of lodging immigration detainers important to public safety in the communities where those aliens are located?

Carter: I would say yes, sir, absolutely.

Question: Will reducing the lodging of immigration detainers likely harm public safety for communities in which the aliens are ultimately released?

Carter: I would say absolutely.

Also, during the May 27 court hearing, Carter said the reason for the change was not funding cuts.

Question: Was there a drop-off in resource constraints — excuse me. Were resource constraints responsible for the drop-off in February 2021?

Carter: No, sir.

Brnovich told [the Washington Examiner], “Basically, it shows you that they are getting orders from the Biden administration not to go out and arrest people and deport them.”

Brnovich concluded: “I believe in redemption, I do. But I know from my history as a gang prosecutor that if you start releasing felons, rapists, arsonists, people that have been convicted of serious crimes, a lot of those folks are going to go out and commit more crimes. So it’s going to be a problem,” said Brnovich.

For the complete story, please visit the Washington Examiner.