Washington Examiner: NUSA Poll Shows Support for Immigration Cuts


The Washington Examiner on Wednesday reported on the results of NumbersUSA polling conducted in 25 mid-term battleground states.

White House Correspondent Robert Donachie wrote:

Researchers found that the majority of voters in 25 states, when asked about what levels of immigration the government should allow, preferred between 25 and 75 percent cuts in annual immigration figures. The most popular choice among respondents was requiring at least 75 percent cuts to annual legal immigration numbers.

Even in California (56%-32%), New York (57%-31%), and Illinois (51%-36%) majorities of likely voters preferred cuts in annual immigration.

Here is the question asked on the polls:

Current federal policy adds about one million new immigrants with lifetime work permits each year. Which is closest to the number of new immigrants the government should be adding each year -- less than 250,000, 500,000, 750,000, one million, one and a half million, or more than two million?

See the state poll results here.

The state results are in-line with seven different national polls, which found support for reducing annual immigration ranging from 59% to 62%.

Despite consistent polling showing that most Americans have favorable opinions about immigrants, it is clear that voters also think that one million a year is too much. All eventual compromises that may lead to government action must meet this basic desire for less immigration. – Roy Beck

Read the Washington Examiner story here.
Find the NumbersUSA mid-term battleground results here.