White House Pleads With Migrants to Stay Away, For Now


The White House recently pleaded with would-be illegal aliens and legitimate asylum-seekers alike to stay home, saying the U.S. doesn’t have the capacity to handle a border surge at this time. “Now is not the time to come,” said Jen Psaki, the president’s spokeswoman, even going as far to say - “The vast majority of people will be turned away.”

The stark statement comes as President Biden’s administration continued to dismantle the crucial infrastructure built by the previous administration to deal with border surges. Already, Biden has ended the Migrant Protection Protocols (aka Remain in Mexico), ended asylum agreements with three Central American counties, halted all deportations, and much more.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged the President’s team to announce a new deportation amnesty for the millions of illegal aliens from Central America, citing conditions in their home county after a hurricane last year and the U.S.’s “moral obligation to step in”.

Another group, the Latin America Working Group, said Mr. Biden’s early calls for task forces to study the Trump policies isn’t good enough. They have launched a drive for signatures on a petition telling Mr. Biden to stop turning people away at the border.

Ms. Psaki, at the White House, suggested that’s the eventual goal, but they’re not ready yet, reports the Washington Times. She said:

This is obviously an emotional issue for many of us who worked on this in the past, for the president himself. But we need time to put in place, and partners, to put in place, a comprehensive process and system that will allow for processing at the border of asylum seekers, but also providing a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who are in the United States.

Mini-caravans have already started showing up at the border in Texas, comprised of both families and children traveling without parents, known as UACs.

Faced with these realities, President Biden has been forced to scale down his election promises when it comes to the border, managing to follow through on most promises made about the interior.

For the complete article, please visit the Washington Times.