Securing America’s Borders Act

Updated: July 19th, 2017, 10:57 am

Published Date:  

2006-03-16 05:00

Public Description:  

S. 2454, the Securing America’s Borders Act, would increase chain migration through a one-time increase of 105,660 visas for exempt families of "unused" employment-based visa holders, plus a one-time increase of 115,000visas for "unused" family-preference holders, plus a permanent increase of 254,000 per year in the family-preference categories. The bill would also increase worker visas by a one-time increase of 90,000 for "unused" employment-based visas, plus a permanent increase of 754,000 employment-based visas per year, plus a permanent 100,000 increase in H-1B visas.

NumbersUSA's Position:  


Bill Number:  

S. 2454

