On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 12 to H R 2638

Voted in favor of an amendment to increasing funding for the construction of a border fence
Rep. ZZlastnameZZ voted in favor of the Brown-Waite amendment to HR 2638. This amendment re-directs $89 million set to be appropriated to the Undersecretary for Management's account to the Border Security Fencing, Infrastructure, and Technology Account, with a view towards constructing at least 700 miles of fencing along the southern border. The amendment was adopted 241-179.

Action Type: 
Friday, June 15, 2007 (All day)


  • [894] Senator Wayne Allard - 1996-03-21
  • [317] Former Governor Sam Brownback - 1996-03-21
  • [330] Senator Jim Bunning - 1996-03-21
  • [221] Senator Saxby Chambliss - 1996-03-21
  • [251] Senator Mike Crapo - 1996-03-21
  • [255] Senator Dick Durbin - 1996-03-21
  • [732] Senator Lindsey Graham - 1996-03-21
  • [22] Senator Blanche Lincoln - 1996-03-21
  • [319] Senator Pat Roberts - 1996-03-21
  • [20] Senator Tim Hutchinson - 1996-03-21
  • [233] Former Governor Neil Abercrombie - 1996-03-21
  • [354] Representative Richard Baker - 1996-03-21
  • [914] Representative Cass Ballenger - 1996-03-21
  • [388] Representative Roscoe Bartlett - 1996-03-21
  • [773] Representative Joe Barton - 1996-03-21
  • [633] Representative John Boehner - 1996-03-21
  • [833] Representative Rick Boucher - 1996-03-21
  • [492] Senator Richard Burr - 1996-03-21
  • [307] Representative Dan Burton - 1996-03-21
  • [305] Representative Steve Buyer - 1996-03-21
  • [407] Representative Dave Camp - 1996-03-21
  • [494] Representative Howard Coble - 1996-03-21
  • [212] Representative Mac Collins - 1996-03-21
  • [796] Representative Larry Combest - 1996-03-21
  • [273] Representative Philip Crane - 1996-03-21
  • [891] Representative Barbara Cubin - 1996-03-21
  • [223] Former Governor Nathan Deal - 1996-03-21
  • [57] Representative John Doolittle - 1996-03-21
  • [96] Representative David Dreier - 1996-03-21
  • [194] Representative Mark Foley - 1996-03-21
  • [380] Representative Wayne Gilchrest - 1996-03-21
  • [827] Representative Bob Goodlatte - 1996-03-21
  • [190] Representative Porter Goss - 1996-03-21
  • [433] Representative Gil Gutknecht - 1996-03-21
  • [770] Representative Ralph Hall - 1996-03-21
  • [283] Representative Dennis Hastert - 1996-03-21
  • [851] Representative Richard Hastings - 1996-03-21
  • [44] Representative J.D. Hayworth - 1996-03-21
  • [145] Representative Joel Hefley - 1996-03-21
  • [54] Representative Wally Herger - 1996-03-21
  • [933] Representative Pete Hoekstra - 1996-03-21
  • [310] Representative John Hostettler - 1996-03-21
  • [133] Representative Duncan Hunter - 1996-03-21
  • [269] Representative Henry Hyde - 1996-03-21
  • [488] Representative Walter Jones - 1996-03-21
  • [634] Representative Marcy Kaptur - 1996-03-21
  • [597] Representative Sue Kelly - 1996-03-21
  • [419] Representative Joe Knollenberg - 1996-03-21
  • [43] Representative Jim Kolbe - 1996-03-21
  • [289] Representative Ray LaHood - 1996-03-21
  • [246] Representative Tom Latham - 1996-03-21
  • [115] Representative Jerry Lewis - 1996-03-21
  • [334] Representative Ron Lewis - 1996-03-21
  • [228] Representative John Linder - 1996-03-21
  • [664] Representative Frank Lucas - 1996-03-21
  • [351] Representative Jim McCrery - 1996-03-21
  • [142] Representative Scott McInnis - 1996-03-21
  • [91] Representative Howard McKeon - 1996-03-21
  • [179] Representative John Mica - 1996-03-21
  • [499] Representative Sue Myrick - 1996-03-21
  • [852] Representative George Nethercutt - 1996-03-21
  • [225] Representative Charlie Norwood - 1996-03-21
  • [238] Representative Jim Nussle - 1996-03-21
  • [806] Representative Solomon Ortiz - 1996-03-21
  • [626] Representative Michael Oxley - 1996-03-21
  • [67] Representative Richard Pombo - 1996-03-21
  • [10713] Senator Rob Portman - 1996-03-21
  • [339] Representative Hal Rogers - 1996-03-21
  • [261] Representative Bobby Rush - 1996-03-21
  • [42] Representative John Shadegg - 1996-03-21
  • [699] Representative Bud Shuster - 1996-03-21
  • [799] Representative Lamar Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [412] Representative Nick Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [303] Representative Mark Souder - 1996-03-21
  • [793] Representative Charles Stenholm - 1996-03-21
  • [758] Representative John Tanner - 1996-03-21
  • [350] Representative W.J. Tauzin - 1996-03-21
  • [501] Representative Charles Taylor - 1996-03-21
  • [785] Representative Mac Thornberry - 1996-03-21
  • [410] Representative Fred Upton - 1996-03-21
  • [750] Representative Zach Wamp - 1996-03-21
  • [192] Representative Dave Weldon - 1996-03-21
  • [467] Senator Roger Wicker - 1996-03-21
  • [3] Representative Don Young - 1996-03-21
  • [41] Representative Bob Stump - 1996-03-21
  • [112] Representative Steve Horn - 1996-03-21
  • [189] Representative Dan Miller - 1996-03-21
  • [219] Representative Bob Barr - 1996-03-21
  • [552] Representative Joe Skeen - 1996-03-21
  • [625] Representative Tony Hall - 1996-03-21
  • [714] Representative George Gekas - 1996-03-21
  • [752] Representative Van Hilleary - 1996-03-21
  • [754] Representative Bob Clement - 1996-03-21
  • [757] Representative Ed Bryant - 1996-03-21
  • [915] Representative Dick Armey - 1996-03-21
  • [813] Representative James Hansen - 1996-03-21
  • [234] Representative Patsy Mink - 1996-03-21
  • [774] Representative Bill Archer - 1996-03-21
  • [516] Representative Bill Barrett - 1996-03-21
  • [129] Representative Brian Bilbray - 1996-03-21
  • [830] Representative Tom Bliley - 1996-03-21
  • [73] Representative Tom Campbell - 1996-03-21
  • [187] Representative Charles Canady - 1996-03-21
  • [657] Senator Tom Coburn - 1996-03-21
  • [31] Representative Jay Dickey - 1996-03-21
  • [284] Representative Thomas Ewing - 1996-03-21
  • [175] Representative Tillie Fowler - 1996-03-21
  • [656] Representative Steve Largent - 1996-03-21
  • [180] Representative Bill McCollum - 1996-03-21
  • [299] Representative David McIntosh - 1996-03-21
  • [128] Representative Ron Packard - 1996-03-21
  • [822] Representative Owen Pickett - 1996-03-21
  • [36] Representative Matt Salmon - 1996-03-21
  • [730] Representative Mark Sanford - 1996-03-21
  • [1051] Representative Bob Inglis - 1996-03-21
  • [64] Representative Bill Baker - 1996-03-21
  • [13] Representative Tom Bevill - 1996-03-21
  • [1044] Representative Bill Brewster - 1996-03-21
  • [513] Representative Jon Christensen - 1996-03-21
  • [967] Representative Dick Chrysler - 1996-03-21
  • [1030] Representative Bill Clinger - 1996-03-21
  • [628] Representative Frank Cremeans - 1996-03-21
  • [789] Representative Kika de la Garza - 1996-03-21
  • [125] Representative Robert Dornan - 1996-03-21
  • [281] Representative Harris Fawell - 1996-03-21
  • [775] Representative Jack Fields - 1996-03-21
  • [1043] Representative David Funderburk - 1996-03-21
  • [784] Representative Pete Geren - 1996-03-21
  • [870] Representative Steve Gunderson - 1996-03-21
  • [459] Representative Mel Hancock - 1996-03-21
  • [356] Representative Jimmy Hayes - 1996-03-21
  • [635] Representative Martin Hoke - 1996-03-21
  • [116] Representative Jay Kim - 1996-03-21
  • [867] Representative Scott Klug - 1996-03-21
  • [788] Representative Greg Laughlin - 1996-03-21
  • [347] Representative Robert Livingston - 1996-03-21
  • [85] Representative Carlos Moorhead - 1996-03-21
  • [309] Representative John Myers - 1996-03-21
  • [473] Representative Mike Parker - 1996-03-21
  • [825] Representative Lewis Payne - 1996-03-21
  • [747] Representative James Quillen - 1996-03-21
  • [50] Representative Frank Riggs - 1996-03-21
  • [147] Representative Dan Schaefer - 1996-03-21
  • [551] Representative Steven Schiff - 1996-03-21
  • [1032] Representative Andrea Seastrand - 1996-03-21
  • [602] Representative Gerald Solomon - 1996-03-21
  • [1046] Representative Steve Stockman - 1996-03-21
  • [1047] Representative Frank Tejeda - 1996-03-21
  • [369] Representative Peter Torkildsen - 1996-03-21
  • [562] Representative Barbara Vucanovich - 1996-03-21
  • [712] Representative Robert Walker - 1996-03-21
  • [842] Representative Rick White - 1996-03-21
  • [1039] Representative Bill Zeliff - 1996-03-21


  • [558] Senator John Ensign - 1996-03-21
  • [722] Senator Jack Reed - 1996-03-21
  • [565] Senator Charles Schumer - 1996-03-21
  • [451] Senator James Talent - 1996-03-21
  • [526] Senator Robert Torricelli - 1996-03-21
  • [575] Representative Gary Ackerman - 1996-03-21
  • [527] Former Representative Robert Andrews - 1996-03-21
  • [16] Representative Spencer Bachus - 1996-03-21
  • [10385] Representative Charles Bass - 1996-03-21
  • [99] Representative Xavier Becerra - 1996-03-21
  • [511] Representative Doug Bereuter - 1996-03-21
  • [93] Representative Howard Berman - 1996-03-21
  • [181] Representative Michael Bilirakis - 1996-03-21
  • [211] Representative Sanford Bishop - 1996-03-21
  • [603] Representative Sherwood Boehlert - 1996-03-21
  • [801] Representative Henry Bonilla - 1996-03-21
  • [174] Representative Corrine Brown - 1996-03-21
  • [642] Senator Sherrod Brown - 1996-03-21
  • [120] Representative Ken Calvert - 1996-03-21
  • [384] Senator Benjamin Cardin - 1996-03-21
  • [164] Representative Michael Castle - 1996-03-21
  • [10714] Representative Steve Chabot - 1996-03-21
  • [738] Representative James Clyburn - 1996-03-21
  • [425] Representative John Conyers - 1996-03-21
  • [280] Representative Jerry Costello - 1996-03-21
  • [127] Representative Christopher Cox - 1996-03-21
  • [15] Representative Robert Cramer - 1996-03-21
  • [132] Representative Randy Cunningham - 1996-03-21
  • [926] Representative Thomas Davis - 1996-03-21
  • [677] Representative Peter DeFazio - 1996-03-21
  • [154] Representative Rosa DeLauro - 1996-03-21
  • [201] Representative Peter Deutsch - 1996-03-21
  • [202] Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart - 1996-03-21
  • [854] Representative Norm Dicks - 1996-03-21
  • [428] Representative John Dingell - 1996-03-21
  • [780] Representative Lloyd Doggett - 1996-03-21
  • [82] Representative Cal Dooley - 1996-03-21
  • [715] Representative Mike Doyle - 1996-03-21
  • [749] Representative John Duncan - 1996-03-21
  • [856] Representative Jennifer Dunn - 1996-03-21
  • [782] Representative Chet Edwards - 1996-03-21
  • [405] Representative Vernon Ehlers - 1996-03-21
  • [595] Representative Eliot Engel - 1996-03-21
  • [719] Representative Phil English - 1996-03-21
  • [72] Representative Anna Eshoo - 1996-03-21
  • [288] Representative Lane Evans - 1996-03-21
  • [8] Representative Terry Everett - 1996-03-21
  • [77] Representative Sam Farr - 1996-03-21
  • [688] Representative Chaka Fattah - 1996-03-21
  • [131] Representative Bob Filner - 1996-03-21
  • [366] Representative Barney Frank - 1996-03-21
  • [542] Representative Rodney Frelinghuysen - 1996-03-21
  • [803] Representative Martin Frost - 1996-03-21
  • [88] Representative Elton Gallegly - 1996-03-21
  • [453] Representative Richard Gephardt - 1996-03-21
  • [627] Representative Paul Gillmor - 1996-03-21
  • [755] Representative Bart Gordon - 1996-03-21
  • [808] Representative Gene Green - 1996-03-21
  • [697] Representative James Greenwood - 1996-03-21
  • [267] Representative Luis Gutierrez - 1996-03-21
  • [109] Representative Jane Harman - 1996-03-21
  • [204] Representative Alcee Hastings - 1996-03-21
  • [607] Representative Maurice Hinchey - 1996-03-21
  • [631] Representative David Hobson - 1996-03-21
  • [695] Representative Tim Holden - 1996-03-21
  • [615] Representative Amo Houghton - 1996-03-21
  • [387] Representative Steny Hoyer - 1996-03-21
  • [662] Representative Ernest Istook - 1996-03-21
  • [263] Former Representative Jesse Jackson - 1996-03-21
  • [795] Representative Sheila Jackson-Lee - 1996-03-21
  • [349] Representative William Jefferson - 1996-03-21
  • [809] Representative Eddie Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [159] Representative Nancy Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [769] Representative Sam Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [702] Representative Paul Kanjorski - 1996-03-21
  • [724] Representative Patrick Kennedy - 1996-03-21
  • [416] Representative Dale Kildee - 1996-03-21
  • [569] Representative Peter King - 1996-03-21
  • [208] Representative Jack Kingston - 1996-03-21
  • [872] Representative Jerry Kleczka - 1996-03-21
  • [68] Representative Tom Lantos - 1996-03-21
  • [650] Representative Steven LaTourette - 1996-03-21
  • [237] Representative Jim Leach - 1996-03-21
  • [421] Representative Sander Levin - 1996-03-21
  • [216] Representative John Lewis - 1996-03-21
  • [265] Representative William Lipinski - 1996-03-21
  • [528] Representative Frank LoBiondo - 1996-03-21
  • [75] Representative Zoe Lofgren - 1996-03-21
  • [596] Representative Nita Lowey - 1996-03-21
  • [590] Representative Carolyn Maloney - 1996-03-21
  • [286] Representative Donald Manzullo - 1996-03-21
  • [372] Senator Edward Markey - 1996-03-21
  • [58] Representative Robert Matsui - 1996-03-21
  • [455] Representative Karen McCarthy - 1996-03-21
  • [855] Representative Jim McDermott - 1996-03-21
  • [604] Representative John McHugh - 1996-03-21
  • [600] Representative Michael McNulty - 1996-03-21
  • [368] Representative Martin Meehan - 1996-03-21
  • [547] Senator Bob Menendez - 1996-03-21
  • [60] Representative George Miller - 1996-03-21
  • [883] Representative Alan Mollohan - 1996-03-21
  • [832] Representative James Moran - 1996-03-21
  • [703] Representative John Murtha - 1996-03-21
  • [580] Representative Jerrold Nadler - 1996-03-21
  • [362] Representative Richard Neal - 1996-03-21
  • [648] Representative Bob Ney - 1996-03-21
  • [446] Representative James Oberstar - 1996-03-21
  • [876] Representative David Obey - 1996-03-21
  • [361] Representative John Olver - 1996-03-21
  • [584] Representative Major Owens - 1996-03-21
  • [534] Representative Frank Pallone - 1996-03-21
  • [40] Representative Ed Pastor - 1996-03-21
  • [541] Former Representative Donald Payne - 1996-03-21
  • [61] Representative Nancy Pelosi - 1996-03-21
  • [445] Representative Collin Peterson - 1996-03-21
  • [875] Representative Tom Petri - 1996-03-21
  • [507] Representative Earl Pomeroy - 1996-03-21
  • [644] Representative Deborah Pryce - 1996-03-21
  • [614] Representative Jack Quinn - 1996-03-21
  • [886] Representative Nick Rahall - 1996-03-21
  • [437] Representative Jim Ramstad - 1996-03-21
  • [592] Representative Charles Rangel - 1996-03-21
  • [646] Representative Ralph Regula - 1996-03-21
  • [124] Representative Dana Rohrabacher - 1996-03-21
  • [198] Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen - 1996-03-21
  • [104] Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard - 1996-03-21
  • [113] Representative Ed Royce - 1996-03-21
  • [440] Representative Martin Sabo - 1996-03-21
  • [958] Senator Bernie Sanders - 1996-03-21
  • [530] Representative Jim Saxton - 1996-03-21
  • [823] Representative Bobby Scott - 1996-03-21
  • [880] Representative Jim Sensenbrenner - 1996-03-21
  • [593] Representative Jose Serrano - 1996-03-21
  • [203] Representative E. Clay Shaw - 1996-03-21
  • [155] Representative Christopher Shays - 1996-03-21
  • [454] Representative Ike Skelton - 1996-03-21
  • [611] Representative Louise Slaughter - 1996-03-21
  • [531] Representative Chris Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [736] Representative John Spratt - 1996-03-21
  • [178] Representative Cliff Stearns - 1996-03-21
  • [403] Representative Bart Stupak - 1996-03-21
  • [475] Representative Gene Taylor - 1996-03-21
  • [83] Representative Bill Thomas - 1996-03-21
  • [470] Representative Bennie Thompson - 1996-03-21
  • [326] Representative Todd Tiahrt - 1996-03-21
  • [583] Representative Edolphus Towns - 1996-03-21
  • [585] Representative Nydia Velazquez - 1996-03-21
  • [298] Representative Pete Visclosky - 1996-03-21
  • [605] Representative James Walsh - 1996-03-21
  • [503] Former Representative Melvin Watt - 1996-03-21
  • [98] Representative Henry Waxman - 1996-03-21
  • [696] Representative Curt Weldon - 1996-03-21
  • [278] Representative Jerry Weller - 1996-03-21
  • [331] Representative Edward Whitfield - 1996-03-21
  • [160] Representative Frank Wolf - 1996-03-21
  • [59] Representative Lynn Woolsey - 1996-03-21
  • [386] Representative Albert Wynn - 1996-03-21
  • [182] Representative C.W. Young - 1996-03-21
  • [7] Representative Sonny Callahan - 1996-03-21
  • [19] Representative Earl Hilliard - 1996-03-21
  • [79] Representative Gary Condit - 1996-03-21
  • [177] Representative Karen Thurman - 1996-03-21
  • [197] Representative Carrie Meek - 1996-03-21
  • [215] Representative Cynthia McKinney - 1996-03-21
  • [244] Representative Greg Ganske - 1996-03-21
  • [302] Representative Tim Roemer - 1996-03-21
  • [382] Representative Robert Ehrlich - 1996-03-21
  • [949] Representative Constance Morella - 1996-03-21
  • [399] Representative John Baldacci - 1996-03-21
  • [409] Representative James Barcia - 1996-03-21
  • [418] Representative David Bonior - 1996-03-21
  • [423] Representative Lynn Rivers - 1996-03-21
  • [443] Representative William Luther - 1996-03-21
  • [485] Representative Eva Clayton - 1996-03-21
  • [532] Representative Marge Roukema - 1996-03-21
  • [598] Representative Benjamin Gilman - 1996-03-21
  • [613] Representative John LaFalce - 1996-03-21
  • [643] Representative Tom Sawyer - 1996-03-21
  • [660] Representative J.C. Watts - 1996-03-21
  • [689] Representative Robert Borski - 1996-03-21
  • [708] Representative William Coyne - 1996-03-21
  • [718] Representative Frank Mascara - 1996-03-21
  • [805] Representative Ken Bentsen - 1996-03-21
  • [874] Representative Thomas Barrett - 1996-03-21
  • [1053] Representative Herbert Bateman - 1996-03-21
  • [118] Representative George Brown - 1996-03-21
  • [966] Representative Helen Chenoweth-Hage - 1996-03-21
  • [458] Representative Pat Danner - 1996-03-21
  • [103] Representative Julian Dixon - 1996-03-21
  • [968] Representative Michael Forbes - 1996-03-21
  • [535] Representative Bob Franks - 1996-03-21
  • [152] Representative Sam Gejdenson - 1996-03-21
  • [716] Representative Bill Goodling - 1996-03-21
  • [640] Representative John Kasich - 1996-03-21
  • [691] Representative Ron Klink - 1996-03-21
  • [567] Representative Rick Lazio - 1996-03-21
  • [101] Representative Matthew Martinez - 1996-03-21
  • [845] Representative Jack Metcalf - 1996-03-21
  • [436] Representative David Minge - 1996-03-21
  • [277] Representative John Porter - 1996-03-21
  • [168] Representative Joe Scarborough - 1996-03-21
  • [824] Representative Norman Sisisky - 1996-03-21
  • [647] Representative James Traficant - 1996-03-21
  • [439] Representative Bruce Vento - 1996-03-21
  • [884] Representative Bob Wise - 1996-03-21
  • [342] Representative Scotty Baesler - 1996-03-21
  • [363] Representative Peter Blute - 1996-03-21
  • [122] Representative Sonny Bono - 1996-03-21
  • [11] Representative Glen Browder - 1996-03-21
  • [772] Representative John Bryant - 1996-03-21
  • [764] Representative Jim Chapman - 1996-03-21
  • [791] Representative Ron Coleman - 1996-03-21
  • [1038] Representative Barbara Collins - 1996-03-21
  • [674] Representative Wes Cooley - 1996-03-21
  • [62] Representative Ronald Dellums - 1996-03-21
  • [462] Representative Bill Emerson - 1996-03-21
  • [56] Representative Vic Fazio - 1996-03-21
  • [1036] Representative Cleo Fields - 1996-03-21
  • [577] Representative Floyd Flake - 1996-03-21
  • [1034] Representative Michael Flanagan - 1996-03-21
  • [685] Representative Thomas Foglietta - 1996-03-21
  • [759] Representative Harold Ford - 1996-03-21
  • [705] Representative Jon Fox - 1996-03-21
  • [1033] Representative Gary Franks - 1996-03-21
  • [1042] Representative Dan Frisa - 1996-03-21
  • [672] Representative Elizabeth Furse - 1996-03-21
  • [184] Representative Sam Gibbons - 1996-03-21
  • [798] Representative Henry Gonzalez - 1996-03-21
  • [313] Representative Lee Hamilton - 1996-03-21
  • [498] Representative W.G. Hefner - 1996-03-21
  • [490] Representative Fred Heineman - 1996-03-21
  • [314] Representative Andrew Jacobs - 1996-03-21
  • [374] Representative Joseph Kennedy - 1996-03-21
  • [151] Representative Barbara Kennelly - 1996-03-21
  • [241] Representative Jim Lightfoot - 1996-03-21
  • [1037] Representative James Longley - 1996-03-21
  • [579] Representative Thomas Manton - 1996-03-21
  • [1040] Representative William Martini - 1996-03-21
  • [701] Representative Joseph McDade - 1996-03-21
  • [711] Representative Paul McHale - 1996-03-21
  • [324] Representative Jan Meyers - 1996-03-21
  • [586] Representative Susan Molinari - 1996-03-21
  • [472] Representative G.V. Montgomery - 1996-03-21
  • [864] Representative Mark Neumann - 1996-03-21
  • [819] Representative Bill Orton - 1996-03-21
  • [609] Representative Bill Paxon - 1996-03-21
  • [171] Representative Douglas Peterson - 1996-03-21
  • [293] Representative Glenn Poshard - 1996-03-21
  • [555] Representative Bill Richardson - 1996-03-21
  • [877] Representative Toby Roth - 1996-03-21
  • [138] Representative Patricia Schroeder - 1996-03-21
  • [141] Representative David Skaggs - 1996-03-21
  • [847] Representative Linda Smith - 1996-03-21
  • [1049] Representative Randy Tate - 1996-03-21
  • [1031] Representative Ray Thornton - 1996-03-21
  • [105] Representative Esteban Torres - 1996-03-21
  • [464] Representative Harold Volkmer - 1996-03-21
  • [1048] Representative Enid Waldholtz - 1996-03-21
  • [1035] Representative Michael Ward - 1996-03-21
  • [479] Representative Pat Williams - 1996-03-21
  • [275] Representative Sidney Yates - 1996-03-21
  • [1041] Representative Dick Zimmer - 1996-03-21


  • [741] Senator Tim Johnson - 1996-03-21
  • [800] Representative Tom DeLay - 1996-03-21
  • [80] Representative George Radanovich - 1996-03-21
  • [70] Representative Pete Stark - 1996-03-21
  • [107] Representative Maxine Waters - 1996-03-21
  • [375] Joe Moakley - 1996-03-21
  • [731] Representative Floyd Spence - 1996-03-21
  • [89] Representative Tony Beilenson - 1996-03-21
  • [450] Representative William Clay - 1996-03-21
  • [271] Representative Cardiss Collins - 1996-03-21
  • [191] Representative Harry Johnston - 1996-03-21
  • [495] Representative Charlie Rose - 1996-03-21
  • [637] Representative Louis Stokes - 1996-03-21
  • [376] Representative Gerry Studds - 1996-03-21
  • [767] Representative Charles Wilson - 1996-03-21
Rep. Virginia Brown-Waite [R-FL05]
Sync Rule: 